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更新时间:2022-06-21 浏览次数:63 类型:期中考试
  • 26. 选择合适的句子补全对话,只填字母序号。

    A. Because I can eat ice cream.

    B. When do you often get up?

    C. I like summer, too.

    D. Do you eat breakfast at home?

    E. Which season do you like best?

    Sarah: Good morning!

    Jack: Good morning!


    Jack: I often get up at 7:00.


    Jack: Yes, I do.


    Jack: Summer.

    Sarah: Why do you like it?


    Sarah: I like sunny days.

  • 27. 阅读短文,判断下列句子的对错。

    Teachers' Day

    WHEN: September 10th, 10:00a. m.

    WHY: Teachers' Day party

    WHERE: The gym

    WHAT: We'll sing and dance for our teachers. We'll make a wish. We'll make many cards for them. We'll play many games.

    RSVP: Please come to the party! Send me an email by August 24th.

    1. (1) The party is on August 24th.
    2. (2) The party will start at 10:00a. m.
    3. (3) We'll make many cards for our teachers.
    4. (4) We'll eat a birthday cake at the party.
    5. (5) We'll sing and dance for our teachers at the party.
  • 28. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)

    My favourite season is coming. I have a few fun things. First, It's in March. I fly a kite with my parents. I can eat delicious food and plant trees with my cousins. In April, we have a school trip. I can go to the nature park with my classmates. In May, I have May Day. It's a holiday. I don't go to school. My parents don't go to work. We have a family picnic. Now, Please guess! What's my favourite season?

    1. (1) I _________ with my family in March.
      A . fly a kite B . have a school trip C . have a family picnic
    2. (2) We have a school trip in_________.
      A . March B . April C . May
    3. (3) We can go to the ________ for the school trip.
      A . nature park B . school C . zoo
    4. (4) I can go to the nature park with_________.
      A . my parents B . grandparents C . my classmates
    5. (5) My favourite season is ________.
      A . spring B . winter C . summer

