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牛津上海版(深圳)四年级下学期Module1 Unit3 综...

更新时间:2022-04-30 浏览次数:18 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 连线题。

    ①What can you see?                   A. It's morning.

    ②Do you like the little stars?        B. It's green and beautiful.

    ③How is spring?                          C. Yes, I do.

    ④Is it morning or afternoon?       D. It's very long.

    ⑤How is the tree's shadow?        E. I can see the moon.

  • 12. 连词成句

    1. (1) friend, his, Henry, new, likes(.)

    2. (2) in, the, morning, sun, rises, the(.)

    3. (3) in, a, dog, the, morning, takes, walk,the(.)

    4. (4) moon, the, at, is, night, high, sky,in, the(.)

    5. (5) shadow, is, the, in, the, long, morning(.)

  • 13. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

        Do you know about the sun, the moon or the earth? Let me tell you. The sun is a star. It is big and bright. It is hot. And it gives us light and heat(光和热量). We need the sun. Animals and plants both need it. The moon is a satellite(卫星). It goes around (围绕...转) the earth. On the moon there is no water or air(空气). So no people live on the moon. The earth is a planet(行星). It goes around the sun. It is our home. We live on the earth. So we should love our home-the earth.

    1. (1) The sun can give us ______________.
      A . water B . food C . light and heat
    2. (2) Animals, plants and we all need ______________.
      A . the moon B . the earth C . the sun
    3. (3) The earth goes around ______________.
      A . the moon B . the sun C . stars
    4. (4) On the moon there is no ______________.
      A . water or air B . no water or food C . no light and water
    5. (5) ______________ is our home. We should protect (保护)it.
      A . The sun B . The earth C . The moon

