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新版-牛津上海版(深圳用)五年级下学期Module1 Uni...

更新时间:2022-04-19 浏览次数:42 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 判断下列单词画线部分的发音是否相同。
    1. (1) know   show    bowl
    2. (2) third    thirty    skirt
    3. (3) sound   count    ground
    4. (4) when    whose    what
    5. (5) house   cousin    sound
    6. (6) bread   weather   head
  • 2. 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。
    1. (1)
      A . study B . home C . dining room
    2. (2)
      A . play B . read C . garden
    3. (3)
      A . spring B . summer C . warm
    4. (4)
      A . place B . north C . south
    5. (5)
      A . quiet B . change C . nice
  • 8. 从所给出的单词中选出合适的完成对话。

    because  dining  room  our  study  Why

    Mum: Alice, this is new home. Do you like it?

    Sally: Yes, it's nice. I like the .

    Mum: do you like it?

    Sally: it's quiet. I can read and write there. What about you, Mum?

    Mum: I like the .

    Sally: Why do you like it?

    Mum: Because it's big. We can have a big dinner with our friends in it.

  • 9. 读一读,给下列句子排序,在括号里写阿拉伯数字即可。

    It's green.

    I like Nancy's home.


    What colour is it?

    Do you like Nancy's home or Danny's home?

    Because' the dining room is so big. I like the colour too.

  • 10. 补全对话。

    A. Sure.

    B. Because they can't find enough food in winter.

    C. It is an interesting book.

    D. I am reading a book.

    E. Why do the bears sleep in winter?

    Jill: What are you doing, Alice?


    Jill: Can we read it together?

    Alice: It says wild geese change homes twice every year.

    Jill: Why do wild geese change homes?

    Alice: So they fly south in autumn.

    Jill: Look at the bears. It says they sleep in winter.


    Jill: Because they don't need food when they sleep in winter.


  • 11. 补全对话

    John: Hello, Mike! Nice to see you!

    Mike: Hi!

    John: Mike, welcome to my new home.

    Mike: Thanks.

    John: This is my study.

    Mike: And it's so big. We can read and write here together.

    John: Yes, let's do our homework now.

    A. It's very quiet.

    B. Nice to see you too!

    C. Your home looks beautiful.

  • 12. 连词成句。

    1. (1) do, why, like, you, it (?)

    2. (2) big, so, it's, because (.)

    3. (3) they, in, north, fly, spring (,)(.)

    4. (4) so, why, wild, much, around, geese, do, move (?)

  • 13. 完形填空。

    It's Saturday morning.1father, a very fat man,takes Ben to the zoo. Of course Ben is very glad. There are a lot of interesting and lovely 2 there. They go here and there. Ben 3 his dad many questions about animals. "4can a bird fly?""5 does a bear eat?" "Why can geese walk and swim? Why do they live on the ground and in the 6_?"

    They come to see tigers. Ben gives some bread to 7, but they don't eat it. "Why 8 they eat bread?" "They only eat meat. They don't like 9 bread at all," his father says. "Really? Wow!" Ben 10his father's hand and runs. "Let's go, go, go quickly! I can't go home by myself after they eat you. "Ben's father smiles and says," I have a good son. Thank you, my son!"

    A . Ben B . Bens' C . Ben's
    A . animals B . flowers C . plants
    A . ask B . says C . asks
    A . What B . Why C . Who
    A . What B . Why C . Who
    A . snow B . tree C . water
    A . they B . them C . their
    A . do B . does C . don't
    A . eating B . eats C . eat
    A . catching B . catches C . catch
  • 14. 阅读短文,写单词完成句子。

    My name is Helen. I am a girl. There are four people in my family. We like different rooms in my home. My father likes the study. He can read the newspaper in it. My mother likes the kitchen. She enjoys making delicious food for us. My sister Ann likes the living room. She likes watching TV. I like my bedroom. I like sleeping in my bedroom.

    1. (1) Helen likes in her bedroom.
    2. (2) Her mother likes the.
    3. (3) Her father can read the newspaper in the.
    4. (4) There are people in Helen's family.
    5. (5) Ann the living room because she likes watching TV.
  • 15. 根据问题提示写短文,以"My home"为题,不少于5句话。

    1)How many rooms are there in your home?

    2)Do you like your bedroom? Why?

    3)What can you do at home? 

    4)What about your parents?

    My home

