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更新时间:2022-04-12 浏览次数:36 类型:期中考试
一、选出不同类的单词 (10分)
  • 1. 选出不同类的单词
    1. (1)
      A . see B . cake C . tea
    2. (2)
      A . sixteen B . sit C . six
    3. (3)
      A . Monday B . Sunday C . work
    4. (4)
      A . skip B . shopping C . swimming
    5. (5)
      A . tomorrow B . school C . today
三、连词成句 (15分)
  • 17. 给下列句子选择正确的答语

    ⑴What will you do on Saturday?  A. He'll play football.

    ⑵Will you fly your kite tomorrow?  B. No, he won't.

    ⑶Will he clean his room on Wednesday?  C. No, I won't.

    ⑷Are you going to Beijing this Sunday?  D. I'll go swimming.

    ⑸What will Xiaoyong do on Monday?  E. No, I'm not.

  • 18. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。

    Next week is a holiday. Lucy will do her homework on Monday. On Tuesday, she will visit her grandma in the countryside. On Wednesday, she will play basketball. On Thursday, she will go to the zoo. On Friday, she will play with her friends. And on Saturday and Sunday, she will have a picnic with her parents.

    1. (1) Lucy will do her homework on _______.
      A . Monday B . Thursday C . Sunday
    2. (2) She will _________ on Tuesday.
      A . go to the zoo B . visit her grandma C . play with her friends
    3. (3) She will ______ on Wednesday.
      A . play basketball B . play football C . fly a kite
    4. (4) On _______, she will play with her friends.
      A . Monday B . Friday C . Sunday
    5. (5) She will have a picnic with her ______ on Sunday.
      A . friends B . grandma C . parents

