当前位置: 小学英语 /牛津上海版(深圳用) /五年级下册 /Module 1 Changes and differences /Unit 2 Our new home
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牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级下册Module 1 Un...

更新时间:2022-02-28 浏览次数:31 类型:同步测试
  • 6. 从所给出的单词中选出合适的完成对话。

    because  dining  room  our  study  Why

    Mum: Alice, this is new home. Do you like it?

    Sally: Yes, it's nice. I like the .

    Mum: do you like it?

    Sally: it's quiet. I can read and write there. What about you, Mum?

    Mum: I like the .

    Sally: Why do you like it?

    Mum: Because it's big. We can have a big dinner with our friends in it.

  • 7. 完形填空。

    It's Saturday morning.1father, a very fat man,takes Ben to the zoo. Of course Ben is very glad. There are a lot of interesting and lovely 2 there. They go here and there. Ben 3 his dad many questions about animals. "4can a bird fly?""5 does a bear eat?" "Why can geese walk and swim? Why do they live on the ground and in the 6_?"

    They come to see tigers. Ben gives some bread to 7, but they don't eat it. "Why 8 they eat bread?" "They only eat meat. They don't like 9 bread at all," his father says. "Really? Wow!" Ben 10his father's hand and runs. "Let's go, go, go quickly! I can't go home by myself after they eat you. "Ben's father smiles and says," I have a good son. Thank you, my son!"

    A . Ben B . Bens' C . Ben's
    A . animals B . flowers C . plants
    A . ask B . says C . asks
    A . What B . Why C . Who
    A . What B . Why C . Who
    A . snow B . tree C . water
    A . they B . them C . their
    A . do B . does C . don't
    A . eating B . eats C . eat
    A . catching B . catches C . catch
  • 10. 读表格,两人一组用以下问句做问答练习。


    Living room


    Dining room


    watch TV

    read and write

    eat good food






    Why does…like…?

  • 11. 根据问题提示写短文,以"My home"为题,不少于5句话。

    1)How many rooms are there in your home?

    2)Do you like your bedroom? Why?

    3)What can you do at home? 

    4)What about your parents?

    My home

