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更新时间:2022-02-28 浏览次数:46 类型:期中考试
一、单项选择题。( 20题,每题1分,共20分)
  • 21. 完形填空

    I worked in a restaurant. One night, a woman came in with three small children. As a waiter, I could 1 tell who is going to tip well and who isn't going to tip at all. She asked about the 2 of everything on the menu, but she ordered  3 water to drink. Her daughter asked her "Mum, can I have milk?" The woman pulled out her purse and 4 her change before saying yes. Then I was 5 that I wouldn't get a tip.

    At the 6 of the meal, she paid entirely in coins. When I went back to clear the table, to my 7, there were a lot of coins left for me. It amounted to 8 dollars, about the 25% of the 8. Here was a woman who  9to count her money before 10 her daughter chocolate milk,  11she wanted to make sure she still had enough to tip me generously.

    Was it the 12 tip I've ever got? No, but it's the only one I 13 after all these years.

    This story is a(n) 14that the very best aspects (方面) of 15 nature can shine through in even the most 16 everyday situations. The first 17 may be powerful, but it's important to let others 18 their true nature rather than making quick 19 about them. Generosity is a valuable virtue to develop, whether you 20 to be rich or poor.

    A . firstly B . suddenly C . usually D . hardly
    A . material B . price C . taste D . cooking
    A . even B . much C . again D . only
    A . counted up B . used up C . stared at D . played with
    A . worried B . convinced C . puzzled D . annoyed
    A . start B . top C . end D . cost
    A . surprise B . satisfaction C . regret D . embarrassment
    A . serve B . meal C . amount D . menu
    A . tended B . pretended C . loved D . had
    A . ordering B . awarding C . passing D . lending
    A . and B . so C . for D . but
    A . smallest B . hottest C . poorest D . largest
    A . remember B . obtain C . require D . appreciate
    A . practice B . excuse C . explanation D . reminder
    A . private B . human C . public D . social
    A . convenient B . active C . ordinary D . unusual
    A . impression B . expression C . expectation D . prediction
    A . hold B . hide C . show D . bear
    A . comments B . jokes C . notes D . judgements
    A . attempt B . happen C . fail D . desire
  • 22. 阅读理解

    November 17 is an important day for black cats in Italy. An animal rights group has named that day as"Black Cat Day"to stop the killing of thousands of the cats. Why do people hate this animal so much? It is because people believe black cats bring bad luck if you see them walking across your path.

    The black cat is just one of the symbols of superstition(迷信). You may already know that Western people don't like the number 13. Besides knocking over a salt bottle, they also believe that walking under a ladder, opening an umbrella indoors and breaking a mirror can also bring bad luck.    

    According to Andrew Macaskill, who works for Teens, British people believe it is unlucky to see one magpie(喜鹊). But two bring good luck. "In Britain,people like to have a horseshoe over door. They believe it can bring good luck." Macaskill said," But the horseshoe needs to be the right way up, The luck runs out if it is upside down."

    In the US, people usually spit on a new baseball bat before using it for the first time. They think this can bring good luck. Also, it is believed that good spirits live in trees. So by knocking on anything made from wood,people can call upon those spirits for protection against misfortune. People in the US also believe there are devils in brooms(扫帚). So don't lean a broom against a bed. The evil spirits will cast a spell on the bed.

    1. (1) In Italy, people hate black cats because the people think __________.
      A . an animal rights group try to protect them B . they walk on people's path C . "Black Cat Day" is a bad day D . it is unlucky to see them
    2. (2) How many things that mean bad luck are mentioned in the second paragraph?
      A . 4. B . 5. C . 6. D . 7.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "misfortune" in the last paragraph mean?
      A . Bad guy. B . Bad luck. C . Bad devil. D . Bad animal.
    4. (4) From this passage,we can infer that __________.
      A . many black cats are killed in Italy each year B . all the people in the world hate the number of thirteen C . magpies are the symbol of good luck in Britain D . in the US the things living in the trees can bring good luck
    5. (5) What is the best title of this passage?
      A . Black Cat Day B . Western Superstition Symbols C . Bad Luck and Good Luck D . Western People's Belief 
  • 23. 阅读理解

    "Some day, there'll be no Americans left in the NBA, " said 12-year-old Xing Tao, who joined his school team two weeks ago after watching Yao Ming in a televised NBA game, "The players will all be Chinese, like Yao. "

    To China, Yao is a home-grown superstar who helped make the world's first basketball league closer to Chinese players. To the NBA, the 2. 23-meter center offers an opening of a different sort into the world's largest new market. Yao's NBA first appearance against the Indiana Pacers in October reached 287 million families in the US. That game might have been a bit of a letdown to Yao's fans: He played just 11 of the 48 minutes, had two rebounds(篮板) and got no points. Comparing that with his performance on December 19, also against Indiana, Yao won 29 points and 10 rebounds. "This was one of the most exciting games I've had," Yao said after Houston's 95-83 victory. The NBA has to be excited about his on-count success. In all his games, he's averaging 12. 7 points and 7. 7 rebounds, quite good for a new star. "Yao Ming has brought the NBA closer to the Chinese," said NBA spokeswoman Cheong Sau Ching, "That makes the dream seem practical for other people in China and proud to be Chinese."

    The 22-year-old Yao is not the country's first player in the NBA: Wang Zhizhi broke down the Dallas Mavericks in November 2003. But Yao's combination of modesty (谦虚) and skills make him a favorite back home.

    1. (1) What's the direct reason for Xing Tao to join the school basketball team?
      A . He watched an NBA game.   B . He liked basketball. C . He hoped to play for the NBA.  D . He had dream that he would become a basketball star.
    2. (2) How many points did Yao Ming win in his first game in the NBA? 
      A . zero B . two C . 29 D . 10
    3. (3) What does the word "letdown" in line 6, paragraph 2 mean?
      A . failure B . surprise C . disappointment D . sadness.
    4. (4) Why does Yao Ming win more popularity than Wang Zhizhi at home?
      A . He has performed excellently. B . He is modest C . More and more Chinese people like to watch his games. D . both A and B
    5. (5) What's the main idea of this passage?
      A . Middle school students want to play basketball.  B . Yao Ming makes NBA closer to China. C . There'll be no Americans left in the NBA.  D . There are many new stars from China in the NBA. 
  • 24. 阅读理解

    Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy. After all, you probably sing when you are happy.

    Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason. Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.

    Do you know what a "territory" is? A territory is an area that an animal, usually the male, claims (声称) as its own. Only he and his family are welcome there. No other families of the same species are welcome. Your house is your territory where only your family and friends are welcome. If a stranger should enter your territory and threaten you, you might shout. Probably this would be enough to frighten him away.

    If so, you have actually frightened the stranger away without having to fight him. A bird does the same thing. But he expects an outsider almost any time, especially at nesting (筑巢) season. So he is screaming all the time, whether he can see an outsider or not. This screaming is what we call a bird's song, and it is usually enough to keep an outsider away.

    1. (1) Some scientists believe that most of the time bird's singing is actually ________.
      A . an expression of happiness B . a way of warning C . an expression of anger D . a way of greeting
    2. (2) What is a bird's "territory"?
      A . A place where families of other species are not accepted. B . A place where a bird may shout at the top of its voice. C . An area for which birds fight against each other. D . An area which a bird considers to be its own.
    3. (3) Why do birds keep on singing at nesting season?
      A . Because they want to invite more friends. B . Because their singing helps frighten outsiders away. C . Because they want to find outsiders around. D . Because their singing helps get rid of their fears.
    4. (4) How does the writer explain birds' singing?
      A . By comparing birds with human beings. B . By reporting experiment results. C . By describing birds' daily life. D . By telling a bird's story.
    5. (5) What does the underline word "screaming" in paragraph 4 mean?
      A . 哭喊声 B . 令人惊愕的 C . 尖叫声 D . 尖叫的
  • 25. 任务型阅读

    Surprising Ways to Beat Exam Stress

    To get over exam stress, firstly you need to understand the reasons behind this anxiety. Then you can establish methods to reduce the pressure you feel. Researchers have uncovered some common solutions for this:

    Take a quick walk.

    However, research has proven that exercising such as taking a walk a walk can boost your memory and brain power.

    Plan your study routine.

    But what is shocking is the number of students who discount the benefits of creating a personal study plan. With some initial efforts, you can become more productive and motivated each day you approach your study by understanding your learning progress.

    Try to get enough sleep.

    The benefits of a proper night's sleep can never be underestimated. Most importantly, sleep helps your brain to absorb new knowledge into your long-term memory.

    Let it all out.

    Sometimes you just need to talk to someone, and other times you need to shout it from the rooftop or scream from the top of your lungs. Speaking to a family member or friend can highlight the bigger picture for you and empower you to rise above the exam stress.

    Meditation (沉思,冥想) is one of the most effective ways to take a break and see your stress from a different perspective. Practicing meditation is another way to stay focused while improving both mental and physical health to reduce pre-exam stress.

    A. Give your mind space.

    B. Listen to classical music.

    C. This may not be a big surprise.

    D. Figure out what you are feeling.

    E. So you can recall it when it comes to test day.

    F. Many students feel as if they should make full use of their entire time before exams.

    G. It clearly demonstrates the effect exercise can have on your brain's activity.

  • 26. 语法填空

    Once, there lived a poor man in a small village. He was very clever but didn't want (work) at all. He lived on the villagers gave him every day. One day he got a basket of eggs a kind lady. He began to think that he would save eggs until they were in short supply. Then he could earn a small amount of money by (sell) them at a very good price. And then he would buy a couple of goats. Very soon, he would have large group of goats. The goat milk would bring him much more money. With the money, he would buy a cow. (it) milk would bring him a lot of money. He would become much (rich), build a big house and marry a pretty woman. They would have a lot of (child). While he was lost in thought, (unlucky), he fell over a stone and all the eggs dropped onto the ground. He was very sad. That (bring) an end to the man's beautiful dream.

  • 37. 假定你是李华,现在就读于大学,得知某中学招聘兼职汉语教师,为来自英国的交换生介绍唐诗及有关知识。请你写信应聘,内容包括:







