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更新时间:2022-01-17 浏览次数:109 类型:期末考试
一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。
  • 16. 听录音,完成下列表格,在人物所需要的食物下面的表格中打“√”。






  • 17. 听录音,将下列短文补充完整。

     and look. This is my new home. There is a in the room. Where's the ?It's near the . This is my . I put my clothes .

    My new is on the bed. It's red. I like it very much. My cat Mimi is on the chair. It is very . The room is small but clean. I my new home.

  • 28. 从方框中的6个句子中选择合适的5个句子补全下面的对话。
    A. Are they toys?
    B. This gift is for you.
    C. Is it a toy?
    D. It's a toy robot.
    E. Happy New Year!
    F.Let's play with it now.

    Nancy: Happy New Year, Mike.



    Mike: Thank you. What's in the box?

    Nancy: Guess.


    Nancy: Yes. It can sing and dance.

    Mike: Right?

    Nancy: Yes, you are right.

    Mike: Thanks. It's so cute.

    Nancy: OK. Let's go.

  • 29. 阅读下面的短文判断正误。

    I have a robot. He has two hands, but he has no hair on his head. On his face, he has two eyes, a nose and a mouth. And he has two ears. They are big. His eyes are big, too. He has two legs and two feet. He can walk. He can speak. He can sing. And he can work for me: He is my good friend.

    1. (1) I have a robot.
    2. (2) The robot has short hair on his head.
    3. (3) The robot has two small ears.
    4. (4) The robot can walk but he can't sing.
    5. (5) The robot is my good friend.
  • 30. 阅读下面的短文,选出正确的选项,并将其序号写在题前括号内。

    Jeff lives in a big city. His father has a shop there and his mother is a doctor. He is seven years old now and begins to go to school this autumn. It is a little far from their house and his father drives(驾驶)a car to take him to school every day. So he is never late for school and his teachers like him. It's Monday today. Miss Green is teaching students to count(数数)from one to ten. Jeff is studying hard. Soon(很快)he can count. Miss Green is happy and asks," How many people are there in your family?" Jeff stands up and says,"0,Miss Green." "Why?" "Mother, father and I are not at home now."

    1. (1) Where does Jeff live?
      A . In a big town. B . In a small city. C . In a big city.
    2. (2) —What does Jeff's mother do?

      —She's a _______.

      A . teacher B . doctor C . nurse
    3. (3) How does Jeff go to school every day?
      A . On foot. B . By bike. C . By car.
    4. (4) What does the phrase“studying hard”mean(意思)?
      A . 努力学习 B . 学习有困难 C . 上课开小差
    5. (5) How many people are there in Jeff's family?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four.
  • 31. 阅读短文,选出正确的选项,并将其序号写在题前括号内。

    Max is a little brown mouse. Pecky is a big black crow(乌鸦). Max goes to the snack bar to find some food. A cat sees Max. "I would like to eat the little mouse." she says. Max sees some cheese. "I want to eat the cheese." he says. Pecky is on the roof(屋顶). "Stop, Max! Stop! I can see a cat behind you. "But Max says,"I can't see a cat. And I want to eat the cheese." Max runs to the cheese. The cat runs to Max. "Oh,no." says Pecky. Pecky jumps on to a box and the box fells(掉落)on the cat. The cat runs away(逃跑). Pecky and Max eat the cheese together.

    1. (1) Pecky is a_______.
      A . little mouse B . big crow C . bad cat
    2. (2) What does Max want to eat?
      A . A mouse. B . A cake. C . Some cheese.
    3. (3) How many animals are there in the story?
      A . 4 B . 2 C . 3
    4. (4) Where does the story happen(故事发生在哪里)?
      A . On a box. B . On the roof. C . In the snack bar.
    5. (5) Maybe(也许)_________are friends.
      A . Max and Pecky B . Max and the cat C . Pecky and the cat
  • 50. Helen想申请加入“手工制作小组”,请你根据申请表上的信息帮她写一篇英语自我介绍。不少于5句话。(已经给出的第一句不算在内)






    Pandas, dogs


    Two robots, many stickers


    Swim, sing, dance

    Hello, I'm Helen.

  • 51. 完形填空。

    A: Hi, Wang Bing.

    B: Hi, Nancy.

    A: Nice to meet you.

    B: Nice to meet you, 1.

    A: Look at my family 2.

    B: It's nice. Who's that 3?

    A: 4my father.

    B: Is the woman your 5?

    A: Yes, 6is.

    B:7the boy your brother David?

    A: No, 8Mike.

    B: Oh, I see. He is Helen's brother.

    A: Yes, he is.

    B: Look at my T—shirt.

    A:9a smart T—shirt! Can I try 10on?

    B: Sure. Here you are.

    A: Thank you.

    A . either B . too C . to
    A . photo B . name C . member
    A . man B . woman C . girl
    A . She B . He's C . She's
    A . sister B . mother C . daughter
    A . he B . I C . she
    A . Is B . Are C . Am
    A . I'm B . you're C . he's
    A . What's B . How C . What
    A . it B . them C . him
  • 52. 根据短文内容,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片排序(1,2,3)。

    Charlie is a church mouse. It is lunchtime. So Charlie checks the church for cheese. He checks on the chair. There is a chocolate on the chair. "Oh, no! Not chocolate. That is not my lunch. "He checks on the box. There are cherries on the box. "Oh, no! Not cherries. That is not my lunch. "He checks on the couch. There is a chicken on the couch. "Oh, no! Not chicken. That is not my lunch." He checks on the chessboard. There is cheese on the chessboard. Yes! Cheese! Cheese is lunch for a church mouse.

