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更新时间:2022-01-23 浏览次数:63 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Best Outdoor Activities in Orlando

    Kelly Park

    Walk into the headwaters of Rock Springs Run, a true Floridian oasis (绿洲) in Kelly Park. Water courses into this natural spring from the bottom and if the sun is just right, you can see just about to the bottom. Kelly Park has camping and hiking and a swimming hole, but the No.1 activity here is a lazy, winding float trip lasting "about three-quarters of a mile and roughly 30 minutes if you don't stop". Bring your own boat or rent one from outside the park.

    Orlando Watersports Complex (OWC)

    On top of all that exciting lake-borne action, those looking for something exciting can take part in OWC's Aquapark, a group of LEGO-inspired ships with climbing barriers, slides and more that will wear you —and more importantly, your kids—out! No special skills are required, life jackets keep things super safe, and hours of fun are virtually guaranteed. The minimum age for the Aqua park is six and reservations are definitely recommended.

    Frontyard Festival

    Frontyard Festival runs through May and includes live entertainment, films and even exercise classes all outdoors. Guests get to pick their own socially distant box for up to five people. From that special box, you'll be able to enjoy the show and even order food and drinks from some popular local restaurants. Options include Live & Local Lunch, which is Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., where local musicians perform live, and Start Me Up, fitness classes at varying times Monday through Saturday.

    Wekiwa Springs State Park

    Explore Florida's natural beauty here. Hike through wild, diverse ecosystems, paddle the famous Wekiva River, or camp beneath the stars. Wekiwa Springs State Park offers nature lovers the opportunity to experience a part of Florida that is all too quickly disappearing. Bring your camera, because the wild turkey, black bear, deer, and many species of birds call this park home. Guided tours are available.

    1. (1) Which activity is most recommended if you tour Kelly Park?
      A . Hiking. B . Camping. C . Boating. D . Swimming.
    2. (2) Which of the following destinations needs advance booking?
      A . Rock Springs Run. B . OwC's Aquapark. C . Live & Local Lunch. D . Wekiwa Springs State Park.
    3. (3) What can you do at Wekiwa Springs State Park?
      A . Experience LEGO -inspired ships. B . Enjoy open-air performances. C . Have outdoor exercise classes. D . Take photos of wild animals.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Mr. Cho's goldfish had red patches on their skin. They weren't eating and didn't have much energy. Mr. Cho thought the fish probably had an infection. To cure it, he stuck needles into the backs of the fish. That may seem unusual to some people, but it didn't seem unusual to Mr. Cho, who is an acupuncturist—a person who uses needles to treat illness and pain. During the next few days, he repeated the treatments. Soon the fish began to feel better, and the red patches on their skin disappeared.

    Although acupuncture for goldfish is uncommon, acupuncture for people is very common in Asia, where acupuncturists help people who have medical problems such as infections, backaches, and stomachaches. They even use acupuncture during operations so that patients won't feel pain.

    To see what happens during an acupuncture treatment, let s imagine that Ming, a man who often has headaches, decides to go to Dr. Han, an acupuncturist. This is what might happen at Dr, Han s office.

    First, Dr. Han examines Ming and asks him about his headaches. Then Dr. Han decides where to insert the needles. Ming is shocked when Dr Han tells him that she will insert needles in his neck and foot, but none in his head. That is not unusual. Often acupuncture needles are not inserted in the place where the patient feels pain.

    Next, Dr. Han chooses the needles for Ming and begins to insert them. Ming feels a little pain when each needle goes in. That is not unusual either. Some patients say it hurts a little when the needles go in; other patients say it doesn't hurt at all. The needles stay in place for fifteen minutes. Then Dr. Han removes them. Before he goes home, Ming makes an appointment to see Dr. Han in a week. Dr. Han says that Ming will know in a few weeks if the treatments are working.

    Acupuncture has helped millions of people. But how does it work? There are different explanations. However, people don't care. They are just happy to be like Mr. Cho's fish healthy again.

    1. (1) Why does the author mention Mr. Cho and his fish?
      A . To show his general medical skills. B . To present the result of the infection. C . To display the magic of acupuncture. D . To give an explanation for the red patches.
    2. (2) Which word best describes Ming's reaction to Dr. Han's treatment?
      A . Annoyed. B . Confused. C . Discouraged. D . Embarrassed.
    3. (3) What is the author's purpose in telling Ming's story?
      A . To explain the limits of acupuncture. B . To question the benefits of acupuncture. C . To recommend a highly skilled doctor. D . To introduce an effective medical treatment.
    4. (4) Which can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . Healthy Again B . Mr. Cho'S Fish C . Needles for Ming D . Dr. Han's Acupuncture
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Pet owners, at least in the West, are more likely than other people to be vegans(素食主义者). That puts many of them in a difficult situation when it comes to feeding their pets like cats and dogs. But technology may soon sort it out. The idea of growing meat for human consumption, in the form of cell cultures, is now becoming popular. Some see in this approach a way to give pet owners peace of mind by offering different food. Among these forward thinkers are Shannon Falconer and Joshua Errett, the founders of Because Animals, a firm based in Philadelphia. They have taken the idea to what might be seen as its logical conclusion, for the starting point of their cultured cat food is a mouse.

    One of Because Animals'competitors, Wild Earth, of Berkeley, California, which had had similar thoughts about making cat food from cultured mouse cells, chose to withdraw after finding itself on the receiving end of aggressive responses based on the misunderstanding that the production process would involve killing mice. Wild Earth has now teamed up with other developers of cultured meat to investigate the possibilities of fish and chicken cells instead. It plans to launch products made by mixing these with its existing vegan pet food recipes.

    A third firm, Bond Pet Foods of Boulder, Colorado, is developing something one step yet further removed from conventional pet food. It, too, works with chickens. But instead of growing their cells directly, it is inserting genes for nutritionally important chicken proteins into cells of brewer's yeast (啤酒酵母). These reproduce faster than chicken cells do, and nurturing them is a well-understood art. Bond hopes to have dog food containing proteins from these cells on the market by 2023.

    As a consequence of their target market —devoted " pet parents" —all three firms hope to sell at good prices. Moreover, manufacturers of laboratory meat, whether intended for people or for pets, can claim green credentials (环保资质). Dr Falconer says that a kilogram of cultured meat produces just 1.7kg of carbon-dioxide emissions, compared with 27kg from the same quantity of beef.

    1. (1) What is Because Animals aiming to do?
      A . Produce guilt-free pet food. B . Turn family pets into vegans. C . Prevent humans abusing animals. D . Grow meat for human consumption.
    2. (2) What stopped Wild Earth culturing mouse cells?
      A . The unavailability of technology. B . The lack of cooperating companies. C . The killings involved in the process. D . The pressure from the general public.
    3. (3) In what way is Bond's pet food production special?
      A . It takes cells from chickens. B . It uses a fast-working approach. C . It contains different types of protein. D . It adds traditional food to brewer's yeast.
    4. (4) What does Dr Falconer stress about cultured meat?
      A . It's cost-effective. B . It's good-looking. C . It's eco-friendly. D . It's custom-made.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Earlier in the COVID-19 pandemic it was vital to see doctors over online platforms like Zoom or Face Time when in-person appointments posed risks of corona virus exposure. By April 2020, one national study found that telemedicine visits already accounted for 13 percent of all medical claims compared with 0.15 percent a year earlier. COVID-19 let virtual medicine out of the bottle, but now it's time to tame it. Using it too widely or too quickly risks poorer care and higher charges in a system already infamous for big bills.

    The pandemic has demonstrated that virtual medicine is great for many simple visits. But many of the new types of telemedicine being promoted by companies more clearly benefit providers and investors pockets, rather than giving patients more convenient, high-quality and cost-effective medicine. "Right now there's a lot of focus on ideas that sound cool rather than solving problems," said Dr. Peter Pronovost from University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. "We know precious little about its impact on quality."

    Even so, the financial world is full of investment opportunities. In the first six months of 2020, telehealth companies raised record amounts of funding, with five new companies each raising more than $ 100 million. There are now telehealth apps that target markets like the mental health of pregnant(怀孕的) women. You can even do a digital eye appointment, and meet with your dentist virtually to monitor your oral health.

    But there are things that virtual medicine can miss. One study showed that commercial telemedicine services were much more likely to suggest antibiotics(抗生素) for children's respiratory (呼吸的) infections as a primary care doctor at an in-person visit. That's in part because if you can't see into the ear to observe closely, for example, the safer course is to overtreat - even though that's contrary to giving guidelines intended to prevent antibiotic resistance. There is actually much to be solved. If we allow the market to make the choice, we risk preserving those telemedicine services that make money for providers and investors and lose those that benefit patients.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "tame" in paragraph 1 probably mean?
      A . Control. B . Test. C . See. D . Promote.
    2. (2) What is Dr. Peter Pronovost critical of?
      A . A lack of cool ideas. B . The ability of investors. C . The convenience of telemedicine. D . The effectiveness of virtual medicine.
    3. (3) How are telehealth companies probably doing?
      A . They are popular with female patients. B . They tend to invest in many other fields. C . They are getting a significant flow of funds. D . They mainly focus on mental health problems.
    4. (4) What problem may virtual medicine bring?
      A . Patients' overreaction. B . Patients' antibiotic resistance. C . Patients' putting off appointments. D . Patients' limited treatment options.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to get better pictures of wildlife

    Go on nature observation

    Animals make rewarding subjects for photography but are uncooperative models. . Observation will tell you which flowers attract the most bees, which trees are most popular among birds, and which ponds are frequented by frogs, allowing you to set up your camera at a site that has a good chance of success.

    Become a part of the landscape

    Rural animals are very likely to be frightened if approached by a person, ruining not only the chance for a great photograph, but also the likelihood of them returning to the same spot again. . By contrast, urban animals are more habituated (习惯的) to humans and will probably ignore you if you stay still for long enough.

    Choosing one species to concentrate on is a great way to push yourself. Pick a species that is accessible in your local area, even if it is not the most attractive of creatures. Remember, you're looking to create great images, not bad images of great animals. Getting to know that species well will improve your field craft skills, and telling its story will naturally suggest different images to try.

    Don't be a fair- weather photographer

    Shooting in the middle of the day while the light is bright is pleasant, but rarely produces the best images. . Getting out after dark also brings other rewards. Many animals are more active at night, and newer cameras with high ISOs are making night photography more accessible than ever. . See rain as an opportunity to get creative with reflection, as well as documenting behavior you wouldn't see on a dry day.

    A. Focus on one species

    B. Remember to use your urban setting

    C. Even the wet weather shouldn't keep you indoors

    D. To create great images, it pays to learn about their habits

    E. Be careful of wild animals since they can be terribly dangerous

    F. Try getting up early when there are fewer people around and the wildlife is braver

    G. Therefore, it's better to choose a secret location and wait for the wildlife to come to you

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    After years of working towards her bachelor's degree (学士学位) at Xavier University of Louisiana, Pierce was upset when she learned that because of COVID-19 she would not be able to walk across a 1 to receive her diploma (毕业证书) like she had always 2 . She told CNN that she had been 3 over the news for one week straight.

    Pierce wasn't the only one heartbroken by the 4 ; her father Burson could 5 bear to see her so sad. Rather than 6 the reality, however, Burson became 7 to host his own graduation ceremony for Pierce at their 8 — in Memphis. Over the following six weeks, Burson managed to 9 a photographer, a stage, and a podium (讲台) without his daughter's 10 .

    When the big day 11 came, Pierce was shocked to find a full-sized stage 12 her in her front yard. There were 40 people in 13 , all sitting six feet apart with masks on -- and her father even 14 the music as she walked up to 15 her diploma.

    She 16 saw anything until she came out to walk," Burson told CNN. "To 17 my baby walk across the stage and all her friends, family, neighbors and people that we don't even know 18 in the street and witness this, I couldn't ask for anything better.

    Burson's next-door neighbor Todd 19 the father for the heartwarming initiative in a series of Facebook photos which have since been 20 hundreds of times across social media.

    A . street B . square C . stage D . station
    A . worried about B . dreamed of C . handed out D . applied for
    A . skipping B . dancing C . taking D . crying
    A . distrust B . cancellation C . refusal D . failure
    A . nearly B . gradually C . frequently D . hardly
    A . accept B . test C . forget D . express
    A . dissatisfied B . experienced C . determined D . embarrassed
    A . company B . home C . university D . restaurant
    A . reserve B . change C . forbid D . protect
    A . rejection B . hesitation C . knowledge D . curiosity
    A . strangely B . immediately C . apparently D . finally
    A . waiting for B . making fun of C . searching for D . making room for
    A . competition B . retirement C . attendance D . conflict
    A . heard B . criticized C . abandoned D . played
    A . copy B . get C . preserve D . repair
    A . just B . never C . already D . seldom
    A . see B . let C . feel D . help
    A . exercise B . perform C . stop D . drive
    A . praised B . thanked C . paid D . blamed
    A . sold B . decorated C . published D . shared
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    China's latest war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin has rocketed to top of China's box office during the opening days of the country's long National Day holiday period.

    The film (release) on Thursday and had already earned approximately $82 million by 6 p.m. local time Friday, according to local ticketing app Maoyan, which projects the film will finish its run with a total well over $500 million. China's National Day holiday period stretches over the Oct. 1-7 period and is (typical) one of the country's biggest box office windows of the year.

    The (power) start all but assures that The Battle at Lake Changjin will emerge as the weekend's biggest earner at the worldwide box office, (beat) MGM's much anticipated Bond installment No Time to Die, is forecast to pull in $80 million to $100 million from more than 50 global (market). Battle at Lake Changjin will easily top $150 million from just one market — China.

    (produce) by Bona Film Group and state-backed film companies Shanghai Film Group and Huaxia, The Battle at Lake Changjin is believed (be) China's most expensive film ever made, with a production budget of over $200 million.

五、短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。

    删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。

    修改: 在错词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

    注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


    I will always remember that going to the Amusement Park every summer with my family members since I was six year old. Each time I would suffer a long bored trip, crowding into my aunt's tiny car with my four cousins. I kept asking my aunt, " Are we there yet?", for which she often logically replied, "Do you see anywhere like them?" When we finally arrive, we would have to stand in line for great deal of time. After enter we would rush to the water park to cooling off. It was amazing. After many physical activities like running and swimming all day, I admitted I was complete tired but I felt like nothing could stop me.

六、书面表达 (满分25分)
  • 9. 假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Christopher听说你刚入住新家,来邮件询问你新家的有关情况。请就此给他回一封邮件,内容包括:

    1)新的邻居; 2)周边环境; 3)入住感受



