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更新时间:2022-02-25 浏览次数:184 类型:期末考试
  • 1. — Hey, mom, have you tried _____________ hamburger? I made it myself.

    — Really, it tastes quite good.

    A . a B . an C . the D . /
  • 2. An Indian boy of only 10, Kishan, is making a film! He is the youngest _____________ in the world!
    A . dancer B . director C . driver D . doctor
  • 3. The book doesn't cost much, but it's _____________ to me because it's the prize of my first speaking competition.
    A . valuable B . private C . useful D . harmful
  • 4. — Amy, do you have a plan to improve your English?

    — Yes, I've got _____________ I'm going to read it aloud for half an hour every day.

    A . it B . this C . that D . one
  • 5. I can _____________ forget this picture taken last term because it always makes me think of the happy time with Emily.
    A . hardly B . just C . only D . already
  • 6. — Do you want to see the space outside the Galaxy, Henry?

    —Yes, I _____________ to see the fantastic world in person one day.

    A . forget B . expect C . seem D . hurry
  • 7. — Shall we start playing basketball now, Mr. Cooper?

    — OK, kids, but you have to _____________ first.

    A . give up B . wake up C . warm up D . make up
  • 8. The number of bike riders in Yueqing _____________ greatly since the government built more cycle ways.
    A . increased B . has increased C . was increasing D . was going to increase
  • 9. — We want to do better in the sports meeting next year. Could you tell me _____________?

    — By pulling together.

    A . why we can make it B . how we can make it C . whether we can make it D . when we can make it
  • 10. — Would you like to join us in the boat tour this weekend?

    — _____________ I can't wait for it!

    A . Good idea. B . That's right. C . Thank you. D . Never mind.
  • 11. 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    It was the art class and the teacher placed Henry beside me. Suddenly, he jogged my elbow and made me blot my painting, a two-week work for my little sick sister.

    With great anger, I said something1to him. ""l didn't do it purposely," he calmly replied, which displeased me a lot.

    I2him back by pushing him to mess his work. "You did that on purpose!" Henry shouted and even raised his hand. The teacher saw it, which made Henry stop and3his hand down quickly. "I shall wait for you outside!" he said4At that moment, I felt a little bit sorry and5what I did to him. In fact, he was always so nice and I remembered him being6to help me whenever I had difficulties. What should I do?

    Maybe I should say sorry to him,7it seemed too difficult for me. I tried to, but the words "excuse me" stuck in my throat. I said8at last.

    After school, while I was walking back home alone, I discovered Henry9me. Wondering what Henry would do to me, I stopped,10him, a ruler in hand. He stepped forward. I raised my ruler, trying to show him I was not afraid." No, David,"11a kind smile, he waved my ruler aside." Let's be friends as before." I stood still in12.

    "We'll have no more13, will we?"

    "Sure, never again!" I said in excitement,14nodding my head. Looking at the ruler in my hand, I15it in two.

    The ruler, though now in half, will forever be a reminder for me not to misunderstand a friend.

    A . happy B . polite C . rude D . strange
    A . sent B . paid C . called D . hit
    A . put B . show C . turn D . knock
    A . angrily B . happily C . sadly D . hopefully
    A . kept B . forgot C . regretted D . promised
    A . ready B . sorry C . lucky D . shy
    A . so B . then C . and D . but
    A . anything B . something C . nothing D . everything
    A . watching B . following C . warning D . hitting
    A . waiting for B . smiling at C . pointing at D . shouting at
    A . on B . with C . for D . in
    A . love B . peace C . calm D . surprise
    A . risks B . talks C . fights D . choices
    A . softly B . quickly C . carelessly D . calmly
    A . cut B . changed C . got D . broke
  • 12. 阅读理解

    1. (1) Baguette is a kind of ____________.
      A . soup B . bread C . coffee D . salad
    2. (2) In France, it's quite usual to see people eat baguettes ____________.
      A . with milk B . for dinner C . on a Paris street D . with knives and forks
    3. (3) What do you know about baguettes from the poster?
      A . Baguettes are soft outside but hard inside. B . French stick is long but French bread may not. C . The French president chooses the best baguettes every year. D . Baguettes are the first choice for the breakfast bread in France.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Red noses are usually for clowns. But in the UK, there is a Red Nose Day(RND). It's the day when people across the land get together to raise money for the poor in the UK and Africa. It is a huge charity event in the UK. Every two years in spring, huge slogans for RND can be seen all around. On that day, many English people put on a red nose, make a fool of themselves and do 'silly' things to make themselves and others laugh. Examples of 'silly' things you can do are:

    Invite friends round to your house to watch funny films. They have to pay to watch the films —those with the most comfortable chairs pay more — and for food and drinks.

    Hold a talent show at school and ask your friends and teachers to sing, dance or tell jokes. Sell tickets for the show to the rest of the school.

    Have a 'red nose party' at your house. All your friends come dressed in red - of course with a red nose - and you serve red foods and drinks. If they don't wear red, they have to pay a fine, which goes to help the people in need."

    Get the students at your school to make funny sculptures, using all kinds of art materials. Sell tickets to your Red Nose Day exhibition.

    People can buy a red nose at supermarkets,and part of the money goes to Comic Relief, an organization that helps people in need. The organization has helped people for more than 20 years now. And how much money have they collected? More than f600 million! The idea of Red Nose Day has travelled to other countries too. In New Zealand, for example, people have made big red noses which they put on the fronts of cars and even buildings!

    1. (1) What do people do in England on Red Nose Day?
      A . Make fun of others. B . Raise money. C . Dress up as a clown. D . Go to the cinema.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word fine mean in the passage?
      A . 纸币 B . 惩罚 C . 罚金 D . 奖金
    3. (3) Which of the following can be the best slogan for a Red Nose Day?
      A . Kindness is fun. B . My charity, my love. C . Love the poor, help the poor. D . Do something funny for money.
    4. (4) In which part of the newspaper can we read the passage?
      A . Outside Look B . School Life C . Daily News D . Fun Story
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Once a circle missed a piece. The circle was unhappy and wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But it was not complete and therefore could roll only very slowly. It enjoyed the flowers along the way. It talked with ants. It enjoyed the sunshine.

    It found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit, some too square, some too big, some too small. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching. The circle kept going, up and down the mountains, across the sea. Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly. Now it could be whole, with nothing missing. It got the missing piece into itself and began to roll. Now that it was a perfect circle, and it could roll very fast, too fast to notice the flowers or talk to the ants. When it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.

    Just like the circle, we are in some ways more whole when we are missing something. A man might have everything, but he is in some ways a poor man. If he has everything, he will never have the chance to know what it feels like to hope, to enrich his mind by dreaming of something better. There is a wholeness about the person if he accepts his disadvantages and is brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not cry for doing so. There is a wholeness about the man or woman who is strong enough to lose someone or something and still feel like a complete person.

    That, I believe, is what God asks of us—not "Be perfect", not "Don't even make a mistake", but "Be whole."

    1. (1) The circle was unhappy at first because ______________.
      A . it rolled too fast. B . it missed a piece. C . it rolled very slowly. D . it couldn't enjoy life.
    2. (2) Why did the circle give up its last found piece?
      A . Because it made the circle slow down. B . Because it was not perfect for the circle. C . Because it stopped the circle from rolling. D . Because it stopped the circle from enjoying life.
    3. (3) How can a person live in more whole according to the passage?

      ①By making mistakes.

      ②By letting go of dreams.

      ③By accepting his disadvantages.

      ④By dreaming of something better.

      A . ①③ B . ①④ C . ②③ D . ③④
    4. (4) Did the circle live a more whole life after he left his piece? Why or why not?(请问约40词回答)
  • 15. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。

    Look at the shelf! There is a collection of (可爱的) toy dogs. They are the (主角) of a cartoon called PAW Patrol. I have been crazy about the cartoon (自……以来)I was very young. In the cartoon, each dog has a special (技能).For example, Chase, a super dog in the series, is (最聪明的) of the ten. Also, they are helpful. Whenever and wherever someone is in trouble, the dogs always (提供) help for them in time. (可能,也许) that's why they win the hearts of people and (每个人) is proud of them. I have (把……列为一部分) this cartoon in my favourites. Which cartoon do you (更喜爱)?

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入适当的词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

    Yuan Longping was a great scientist. He spent his life (help) lift our nation out of hunger by planting his hybrid rice. Now people plant it in countries such as India, Vietnam and the US. (million) of people around the world benefit from his rice. People call (he) the "father of hybrid rice". However, May 22nd, 2021, he passed away at 91. It was (real) a sad day for all the people across China.

  • 17. 下面是一封刊登在某英文报纸Just Ask栏目里的邮件,假如你是李涛,请仔细阅读邮件内容,用英语给John写一封回复邮件。

    Dear Editor,

    l think I need help. These days I always feel bored and tired after a whole day's online courses. So I go to the Internet to look for fun. But things go wrong. I can't stop doing it. I even stay up on the Internet till very late. I feel sleepy and can't listen carefully in class. I have a headache too. What should I do?





    参考词汇: stay away from the smartphone

    To: John

    From: Li Tao

    Dear John,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are not getting along well these days......

    Hope everything goes well with you!


    Li Tao

