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更新时间:2021-12-16 浏览次数:86 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Educator of the Year Contest

    Do you know an outstanding junior high or high school teacher, coach, guidance advisor, librarian, or headmaster? Nominate (提名) that special person you'll always remember and give him/her the chance to be recognized in Teenink!


    ■ The national magazine will only consider essays written by teens, and nominations must be for junior high or high school educators only. Primary school educators are not included.

    ■ Convince us your nominee is special. Tell us about his or her style of teaching, involvement in school activities, and community service. What has your educator done for the entire school, your class, for you or another student? Give examples with specific details. Keep your essay between 200 and 1,000 words.

    ■ Include the first and last, name, position, and school of your educator.

    ■ Submit entries through our website. See our submission guidelines for more information.


    Cash awards will be given to educators from across the country honored as TeenInk Educators o£ the Year. Winning essays are published in Teenink magazine.


    The deadline for submitting Educator of the Year essays for 2021 is May 1, 2021. Entries are accepted and considered for publication in TeenInk magazine throughout the year. Winners will be informed after the June issue is published.

    1. (1) Who can be recommended for the contest?
      A . A national volunteer. B . A community educator. C . A primary school teacher. D . A high school headmaster.
    2. (2) What is the requirement for the essay?
      A . It covers at least 100 words. B . It is to be submitted after May. C . It should include specific details. D . It must be written by a candidate.
    3. (3) What will the essay winners get?
      A . A large sum of cash money. B . A chance to publish their essays. C . The big prize from their school. D . The honor of Educator of the Year.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Cory, aged 30, was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy (脊髓性肌萎缩症) at a very young age. Because of his condition, he began using a wheelchair at age 4. His mother, Sandy Gilbreath, raised him as a single parent. Although taking care of a child with a disability was challenging, she ensured that Cory didn't miss out on the fun things in life. Sandy took him on road trips during summer breaks throughout his childhood. The exciting experiences of exploring new places inspired him to set a lifelong goal of visiting all seven continents.

    Fortunately, Cory was able to do that just before the COVID-19 started. He and his mother traveled to Antarctica in February, just before the borders closed. It was the seventh and final continent off his list. He became the first-ever wheelchair user to visit all the seven continents!

    According to Cory, traveling in a wheelchair requires a wide range of planning and research. He starts his research six to twelve months before each trip, making sure that there are accessible transportation options in the location. He would also call up hotels or rental homes to confirm if they are truly as accessible as they claim to be.

    When Cory started going on adventures, there weren't many online resources discussing accessible travel. To help other travelers with disabilities explore the world as he does, he decided to share his knowledge in his blog. Aiming to promote representation of the wheelchair-using community, Cory and his mother wrote a children's book, titled Let's Explore with Cor Cor, which is about a boy who travels around the world in his powered wheelchair.

    Traveling to all seven continents wasn't something I was sure was going to be possible," he said. "But if you stay determined and keep a positive attitude, the opportunities are limitless. "

    1. (1) What made Cory Lee decide to visit all seven continents?
      A . His mother's expectation. B . His travelling experiences. C . His dream of helping others. D . His objective of making a history.
    2. (2) What worries Cory most about a trip?
      A . Rental fees. B . Local attractions. C . Accommodation. D . Transportation.
    3. (3) Why did Cory and his mother write the book?
      A . To enrich online resources. B . To record travelling events. C . To help people with special needs. D . To introduce wheelchair adventures.
    4. (4) What can we learn from Cory's story?
      A . Nothing can prevent a determined heart. B . Disability can turn into an opportunity, C . Travelling shapes a positive attitude. D . Mom is the creator of children's dreams.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Do you like the woolly mammoths from the movie Ice Age? Too bad they're extinct? Thanks to recent developments in biotechnology, the stuff of science fiction may soon become a reality through an attractive process called "de-extinction", which aims to bring the extinct species back. The resurrected species are functionally equal to the original extinct species, but they are not exact copies.

    There are three primary techniques of de-extinction. One of them is that scientists deliberately select existing species with similar characters to the extinct species to produce later generation. This is a natural method. Another is cloning. A cloned animal is created by obtaining the DNA of the extinct animal. The later generation will be an identical copy of the extinct species. This is only applied to animals that are either endangered or have recently gone extinct, as it requires well-preserved eggs. The third is the newest technique, genetic engineering. It uses gene-editing tools to place selected genes from extinct animals in place of those present in its closest living relative.

    If we refer to Jurassic Park, resurrecting extinct animals is a terrible idea. Thankfully, we don't have to worry about dinosaurs running wildly, as their DNA has disintegrated over the 65 million years since their extinction. DNA can survive for several million years at best under certain rare conditions, but does that mean we should do that?

    De-extinction is more for ecology than for tourism. Ecologist Ben Novak said, "All animals perform critical roles in their ecosystem. Woolly mammoths, for example, were excellent gardeners. Their disappearance was followed by a loss in diversity and the Arctic grassland became a cold, ice field. If a resurrected animal is always going to be a zoo animal then it shouldn't be brought back. "

    1. (1) Why does the author mention the movie Ice Age ?
      A . To recall the joy from the movie. B . To lead the audience into the topic. C . To attract readers, attention to the movie. D . To show functions of resurrecting animals.
    2. (2) What is mainly discussed about de-extinction in Paragraph 2?
      A . Its main methods. B . Its wide application. C . Its complex procedures. D . Its distinct characteristic.
    3. (3) What can replace the underlined word "disintegrated" in Paragraph 3 ?
      A . Broken away. B . Picked up. C . Fallen apart. D . Run out.
    4. (4) What would be the best title for the text?
      A . Can we bring extinct animals back? B . Do you like the woolly mammoths? C . Will dinosaurs be seen in the zoos? D . Should we promote cloning skills?
  • 4. 阅读理解

    We already know that salt can lead to heart disease. But could it also affect our mind? Scientists found that a high-salt diet caused cognitive impairments in mice» and it could produce the same effect on humans.

    Costantino Iadecola, director of the Feil Family Brain and Mind Research the Institute, said they fed the mice eight to sixteen times their normal salt intake and then tested the mice. After about three months, the mice had a big change in their behavior. Mice are very curious, and they like to look for new things. However, the tested mice lost the ability to identify a normal object. When the mice were put in their cage and asked to find a quiet spot, they did not remember where the quiet spot was. Then when the mice were building a nest, which is something the mice do daily, they, were unable to do so. The research suggested humans would experience a similar response.

    Studies have shown Australians eat around double the recommended amount of salt each day, most of it coming from processed food. Dr. Ladecola said the estimated two teaspoons of salt the average Australian eats each day could affect the brain function in the long term. However, the decline might not be as obvious as in the mice, who were given extremely high levels of salt. "But probably over years and perhaps decades—as opposed to a few months for the mouse—even lower levels of salt may have a terrible effect," Dr ladecola said.

    "High levels of salt cause serious immune changes in the organs in and around the stomach, resulting in an almost autoimmune effect on the brain. It is part of a growing body of evidence that we really are what we eat," Bryce Vissel, director of the Centre for Neuroscience at the University of Technology Sydney, said. "Those changes in turn cause all sorts of responses in the body, which over time certainly contribute to cognitive impairments. "

    1. (1) Which can describe the tested mice?
      A . They remained quiet all day. B . They became smarter than ever. C . They forgot some routine things. D . They were quick at finding objects.
    2. (2) What do we know about Australians?
      A . They ignore health advice. B . They have a higher-salt diet. C . They dislike processed food. D . They value their brain health.
    3. (3) What does the last paragraph mainly focus on?
      A . Studies carried out by Bryce Vissel. B . Immune changes brought about by salt. C . Effects of daily diets on human behaviors. D . Links between salt intake and brain damage.
    4. (4) What does the text suggest?
      A . Brain health counts much. B . The body never tells a lie. C . Low-salt diet is to be advocated. D . Heart diseases can be prevented.
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Critical thinking means absorbing important information and using that to form a decision or opinion of your own.  But luckily, it's something you can train yourself to do better.

    One of the most important parts of thinking critically is learning what details matter. We're exposed to so much information and so many different opinions every day that it's really easy to get lost in the details.

    Knowing which details matter is the first part of critical thinking, but it's pretty useless if you don't know what types of questions to ask next.  It's important to always ask yourself why something is important and how it connects to things you already know. As you do that, you train your brain to think critically about more information you come across.

    As with anything, if you want to get good at critical thinking, you need to practice it every day.  This could be casual observations or a notebook with opinions, but the point is to write every single day. Likewise, participating in a healthy debate with friends is great practice.

     The more knowledge you gain, the better you'll become at thinking about it. That doesn't mean that you should be constantly thinking about thinking, but the end result is a brain that automatically forms better arguments, focused ideas, and creative solutions to problems.

    A. Critical thinking doesn't end.

    B. It doesn't always come naturally to us.

    C. Critical thinking can't be learned in school.

    D. You should question all the provided details.

    E. One easy way to do this is to keep a journal of some kind.

    F. After all, thinking critically and asking questions go hand in hand.

    G. Subsequently, we need to train ourselves to learn which details matter.

  • 6. 完形填空

    What if everyone in the world was exactly alike? The world would be extremely  1 I believe it's important to 2people for who they are. 3 are important and they should be respected. Many people throughout history, like Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison, did great things, but were 4 strange, because they had strong feelings about something. I can 5 to these people, because I've been in that situation before.

    It all started in elementary school when I 6 that I wasn't like everyone else. I grew crazy about certain subjects. 7, these subjects didn't interest other kids and my teachers. 8, my kindergarten teacher said she would scream at me if I 9 snakes or mice one more time, while she was teaching the days of the week. I would get in trouble for not 10 attention, and other kids began to laugh at me.

    I might be different, because I have different 11 than other teenagers, but that doesn't give them the right to be so 12 to me. Some kids make fun of me for liking what I like the most. People also make fun of me for 13 facts about volcanoes, whales, and many other scientific things. My mom says that she has been able to be well informed by just listening to me, but Eve even been 14 for being smart. Sometimes I wish I were like everyone else, but not 15, because I believe people, should be respected for being different, and we're all different in our own ways.

    A . complex B . harmonious C . fantastic D . boring
    A . trust B . praise C . accept D . compare
    A . Abilities B . Differences C . Efforts D . Beliefs
    A . proved B . declared C . found D . considered
    A . relate B . return C . apologize D . respond
    A . imagined B . realized C . hoped D . remembered
    A . Thankfully B . Impossibly C . Apparently D . Unfortunately
    A . By accident B . In return C . In fact D . At most
    A . mentioned B . attacked C . counted D . threw
    A . attracting B . focusing C . escaping D . controlling
    A . aims B . futures C . emotions D . interests
    A . mean B . sensitive C . attentive D . blind
    A . creating B . forgetting C . knowing D . ignoring
    A . misunderstood B . evaluated C . tested D . tolerated
    A . clearly B . eagerly C . seriously D . really
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    At Zhongshuge, a bookstore and library in Yangzhou, China, the books go on forever, or at least, that's  it looks like. When you walk into Zhongshuge, you're surrounded on all sides by endless books. They fill the ceiling, walls, and floor, some even (appear) to be challenging gravity.

    How does this magical bookshop do it? architectural studio called X+ Living designed the internal structure of Zhongshuge. The shelves (arrange) in are shapes, creating the tunnel-like appearance. The floor is covered with black mirrors, reflecting the shelves above and creating the visual effect that the bookshelves continue down past the floor on you're standing. And there you have it: the rows of books never end.

    As it turns out, the store's design has more (significant) than just fun. Yangzhou is full  canals and rivers, and in history many of China's literary greats  (draw) inspiration from the flowing water. X + Living, therefore, integrated this concept with Zhongshuge, and tried to create the feel of being  (complete) involved in a "river" of books. They highlighted that feeling with the zigzag shape on the ceiling, which,  (reflect) on the floor, "flows" throughout the store like a river.

  • 8. 假定你是李华,上周日你校组织学生进行了“垃圾分类”宣讲活动,请给学校英文网站写一篇报道,内容包括:






    Garbage classification starts from ourselves

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    My 11-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, started to talk about quitting swimming, which broke my heart because she loves swimming. So when the swim season began, I cut a deal with her. She would practice three times a week and try really hard. I wouldn't make her compete in the swim meets. Elizabeth does not like swim meets. She gets horribly nervous but not because she wants to win. She doesn't care if she wins.

    Recently, Elizabeth's team announced a special swim night: Members 11 and older would swim a timed 50 meters relay. It wasn't exactly a meet, because it would involve only team members. That was my view. Elizabeth argued that it absolutely was a meet because there would be races. I told Elizabeth I really wanted her to go. She fought back angrily but finally agreed.

    When the day of the special swim night arrived Elizabeth was nervous. She was the youngest person and shorter by at least a foot than most of the other kids. She panicked when it was time for the T-shirt relay. The relay works like this: One person from each relay team puts on a T-shirt, a pair of socks» and a swim cap; swims 50 meters; and gets out of the pool. She takes off the clothes and puts them on the next person, who then swims 50 meters. This continues until everyone on the team has completed a lap.

    Then it was Elizabeth's turn to swim. She seemed to swim faster in the T-shirt and socks than she did when she wasn't wearing them. Approaching the halfway mark, Elizabeth was in the lead. Suddenly, somebody noticed that one of Elizabeth's socks had fallen off and was floating (漂) in the pool. "She has to get that sock on before the end of the race," a swimming official told Elizabeth's team, "or you will be disqualified."



    Everybody on her team started screaming "Elizabeth! Get the sock!"


    On the ride home, she shared her moment of winning again and again.

