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更新时间:2021-10-21 浏览次数:156 类型:开学考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Maldives is a small archipelagic(群岛的)state in South Asia, situated in the Arabian Sea of the Indian Ocean. It is made up of 1192 islands and each island has different scenic views, marine(海洋的)life and much more. Here are some fun things you can do on the islands.

    Visit The Glowing Beach

    The Maldives Glowing Beach, situated at the Mudhdhoo Island, is mostly known for its glowing waves. This natural phenomenon occurs due to the presence of millions of phytoplankton(浮游植物)in the water. The best time to visit Glowing Beach is between June and October when the sea remains comparatively warmer due to the summer season.

    Enjoy a dinner on the beach

    Maldives offers various locations for a private, romantic candlelight dinner. You can enjoy an elegant private barbecue with your partner on a quiet, calm beach. Have some wine while admiring the stars with your partner and spend some quality time together.

    Taste the Gulha

    Gulha is the national dish of the Maldives, a speciality with smoked fish such as Maldive fish. The snacks are usually sold at small cafés known as hotels, or in shops throughout the island.

    Experience water activities

    A trip to the Maldives is incomplete without a thrilling ride on the jet ski to skim over the Indian Ocean. Step up on a surfboard and explore the surroundings while managing the balance and rowing through the waves. Flyboarding will take you 15m high in the air while you look over the blue ocean. Scuba Diving is one of the most popular activities to do in the Maldives as it lets you explore a wonderful undersea world.

    1. (1) When is the best time to visit the Glowing Beach?
      A . December. B . November. C . September. D . May.
    2. (2) Which of the following activities is strongly recommended for a couple?
      A . Taste the Gulha. B . Visit The Glowing Beach. C . Experience water activities. D . Enjoy a dinner on the beach.
    3. (3) What's the main purpose of the text?
      A . To protect sea life. B . To draw tourists. C . To compare fun activities. D . To introduce an island.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    What is the longest word in the English language? It would be truly shocking if you were trying to type the longest word, as it isn't really a word anyone uses at all. The word is: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. According to Merriam-Webster, the 45-letter word is created to mean a disease occurring especially in miners.

    But here's the thing: That is not a term anyone—even doctors—use to describe an actual condition. The word was likely made up by Everett K. Smith in the 1930s, when he was president of the National Puzzler's League, a group that loved crosswords and, by extension, words themselves. Smith intended to create the longest word by mimicking (模仿) medical terms, even if there wasn't actually a disease to attach the word to. He just kind of made up the entire thing for fun.

    Here are some other examples. Some record-setting English words are the longest in a particular aspect. "Uncopyrightable," which refers to any work that cannot be copyrighted, is the longest word in English without any repeating letters. Words like this are called "isograms." Then there's the longest word made of only vowels (元音) "euouae", a term that comes from music of the Middle Ages. On the other hand, you have the longest word without any vowels, "tsktsk". It's an onomatopoeia (拟声) for the sound you make when someone disappoints you.

    Finally, you know there's got to be a word to describe someone who makes a habit of using long words. Surprisingly, it's only kind of long itself: "sesquipedalian".

    1. (1) What do we know about the longest English word according to paragraph 1?
      A . It is popular in English. B . It is used only by miners. C . It is convenient to type. D . It is taken in by a dictionary.
    2. (2) What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
      A . The meaning of the longest word. B . The person of making up the word. C . The creation of the longest word. D . The disease concerning the word.
    3. (3) What is the common characteristic of the longest words mentioned in the text?
      A . They use the maximum vowels. B . They convey particular emotions. C . They are coined by tradition. D . They are created for pleasure.
    4. (4) Where is the text probably taken from?
      A . A magazine. B . A guidebook. C . A travel brochure. D . A news report.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Over the years, electronic commerce or e-commerce has grown rapidly. The rise of e-commerce large enterprises such as Amazon and Alibaba in the mid-90s changed the face of the retail (零售) industry. E-commerce may be thought of as an open, global marketplace or a digital version of mail-order catalogue (目录). Nearly every imaginable product and service is available through e-commerce dealings these days.

    Many young entrepreneurs have dived into the e-commerce world, ambitious and hoping to succeed. Some, like Mitchell Zvagelskiy. Zvagelskiy is the co-founder of Scale Online, a fast-growing startup in California and runs several e-commerce stores. Zvagelskiy and his business partner began opening online stores and building a team to grow them, allowing the stores to earn as much as $100.000+ in monthly revenue. Zvagelskiy owes his success to teamwork and his willingness to seize opportunity.

    "Being able to do this all by the age of 20 is something I didn't expect and would not be able to do if I constantly listened to other people and just went the typical college then job route," he said. "Life can change fast if you change fast."

    Thanks to the rapid success of his YouTube channel, Mitchell has been able to not only make great profit from his companies, but help others in starting and growing their own e-commerce stores too. "My meaning of success arises from my relationships with other people," he said. "By focusing on building strong relationships with others, I'm able to partner up and work with like-minded individuals in finding market opportunities and solving whatever problems people are facing."

    1. (1) What can we say about e-commerce?
      A . It has gained great popularity nowadays. B . It changed the face of retail giants in the mid-90s. C . It has taken the place of traditional local marketplaces. D . It can deal with all the imaginable product and service.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph 3 refer to?
      A . Running some e-commerce stores. B . Achieving success in e-commerce. C . Building a team to grow business. D . Seizing some important opportunities.
    3. (3) What can be inferred about Mitchell from the last paragraph?
      A . He focuses on personal profits. B . He attaches importance to teamwork. C . He owes his success to opportunity. D . He has capacity of solving any problem individually.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
      A . E-commerce, a new global marketplace B . E-commerce, a driving force for retail industry C . Mitchell Zvagelskiy, a successful model for all D . Mitchell Zvagelskiy, the e-commerce's rising star
  • 4. 阅读理解

    He had two armed guards protecting him until his death aged 55. He also had two massive tusks (象牙)and, just as important, he had a name. Ahmed the elephant received the special treatment until his death in 1974, under an order from Kenya's then-president Jomo Kenyatta. The name helped give Ahmed and, by extension, the cause of elephant conservation greater recognition.

    With Ahmed the elephant in mind, Kenya last week launched the Elephant Naming Festival in which people get the chance to adopt an elephant after contributing money toward their chosen animal's conservation.

    The initiative gives the adoptive parent priority when it comes to choosing the first name of the elephant. The second name will be a Maasai (马赛族) one based on the animal's profile, history, role in the family and physical attributes like the state of its tusks.

    Launching the program, Najib Balala, a top official at the Ministry for Tourism and Wildlife, said the elephant-naming initiative will bring greater awareness of the need for conservation and promote tourism. Balala said the event will be held each year on Aug 12, observed as World Elephant Day.

    "We feel that this is a great opportunity for everyone to be part of the sustainability of tourism and wildlife in Kenya for future generation," Balala said.

    "Wildlife is a big part of Kenya's heritage and ensuring that future generations enjoy this resource should always remain the most important. The launch of the Magical Kenya Elephant Naming Festival builds on the good work that the Kenya Wildlife Service and other partners have been doing over the years."

    1. (1) What has the special treatment to Ahmed brought about?
      A . More people are willing to protect elephants. B . More people are anxious to collect tusks. C . More elephants are guarded by armed soldiers. D . More elephants are released to the wild.
    2. (2) What can adoptive parents do in the Elephant Naming Festival?
      A . Adopt an elephant according to its role in the family. B . Take priority for giving their elephant's first name. C . Contribute money toward launching the initiative. D . Consult the elephant's profile to give it the second name.
    3. (3) Why was the Elephant Naming Festival launched?
      A . To be in memory of the dead elephant Ahmed. B . To raise money for the cause of elephant conservation. C . To contribute to wildlife protection and sustainable tourism. D . To offer people a chance of naming and adopting an elephant.
    4. (4) What is Najib Balala's attitude to the elephant-naming initiative?
      A . Supportive. B . Objective. C . Doubtful. D . Disapproving.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    When words of appreciation are said to people, there is a satisfaction that comes with it, an urge to do more and be the best in what they have been appreciated about. You feel loved and there is no form of disrespect that can be directed at you that you will ever take. Below are some ways to appreciate yourself more.

    Think deeply.

    Meditation (沉思) is a beautiful way to center yourself. When life is stressful or your mind is racing, you can always turn to meditation. All you need to do is find a quiet, comfortable space, close your eyes, and simply breathe.


    The more you read, the more you find new ways to love yourself more and more. You learn new ways, and you also discover things you probably have never paid attention to about yourself.

    Surround yourself with positive messages, pictures of people you love, and anything that makes you feel better. It is an act of self-love when you are in a comfortable environment full of the things that bring you joy. When you can smile by just looking around, you're practicing self-love!

    Be grateful.

    All you need is a journal to start When you wake up every morning and each night before you sleep, write down three things for which you're grateful. It's a beautiful way to honor yourself and your life.

    A. Avoid negativity.

    B. Make positive friends.

    C. It's a perfect time to say thank you to your body!

    D. You may turn to a meditation teacher if you find it difficult

    E. It's also accessible to everyone because you can do it anywhere.

    F. This is the same feeling that comes when you appreciate yourself.

    G. Finding a book or books that speak to you is extremely important for self-love.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Parents have special eyesight. We 1 our children get smarter and taller and stronger, and we dream they may someday 2 the world. But some part of our eyes and hearts will always see them as 3 we once held, children whose small hands once reached for ours.

    My wife and I have recently 4 some things around in our apartment. This happens at the same time both our daughters have 5, one from eighth grade, the other from high school. I think we have taken some kind of 6 of them almost every day of their lives.

    But when we are 7 some photographs, we find most of these photos are from the first years of their 8.They show our daughters as little girls 9 beloved pets, riding the shoulders of aunts and uncles, and dancing and laughing 10 at ball games.

    We also have more 11 photos of our daughters, looking 12, and...so grown-up. And I am worried if keeping so many photos 13 when they were little might 14 them that way in our minds. Would the pictures somehow keep us from 15 how our daughters have grown, and will soon grow away from us?

    I've discovered that as parents, we don't really have 16 in the back of our heads. But we do have a special and 17 view of our children. We see them as all ages at once. We look at them through a lens(镜头)of 18.Whatever they go on to be,we always see through to their 19, their fears and dreams and their goodness. We grow older. Our children grow up. We 20 together.

    A . feel B . make C . watch D . believe
    A . impress B . control C . face D . explore
    A . students B . babies C . teenagers D . adults
    A . moved B . taken C . showed D . seen
    A . graduations B . examinations C . challenges D . competitions
    A . note B . picture C . care D . record
    A . picking up B . throwing away C . sorting through D . handing out
    A . lives B . schools C . rooms D . parties
    A . tapping B . hugging C . hunting D . shaking
    A . eagerfully B . carefully C . tearfully D . cheerfully
    A . original B . outdated C . recent D . fashionable
    A . confident B . curious C . naughty D . hesitant
    A . on sale B . on purpose C . on schedule D . on display
    A . impact B . freeze C . change D . improve
    A . admitting B . judging C . appreciating D . imagining
    A . minds B . hearts C . ears D . eyes
    A . general B . distinct C . current D . popular
    A . knowledge B . awareness C . memories D . performances
    A . achievements B . shortcomings C . consequences D . beginnings
    A . live B . work C . play D . grow
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The China National Space Administration published on Thursday three pictures  (take)recently by its Zhurong Mars rover (探测器),  showed the parachute (降落伞)and bowl-shaped back shell used in the rover's landing.

    The pictures (shoot) by Zhurong's camera on Monday as the rover was traveling southward for its scientific (explore).

    As of Thursday afternoon, Zhurong, named the Chinese god of fire in ancient mythology, had operated 60 days on Mars and traveled 450 meters (survey)the barren planet. Meanwhile, the mission's orbiter has continued traveling around the Red Planet.

    The 240-kilogram Zhurong is tasked with surveying Mars' landforms, geological structures, soil characteristics, potential locations of water and ice, and other physical (property).

     1.85-meter-high rover is the core component of the Tianwen 1 mission, the country's first interplanetary adventure. Tianwen 1 was  (success)launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23,2020 from the Wenchang Space Launch Center,  (begin)the nation's first mission to another planet.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    I want to register attend a course about gardening so I have taken an interest in planting flowers since I was a little child. I especially like playing in the garden when I can enjoy the beauty of nature. First, I want to gain more knowledges of gardening so that they can help me to major in gardening at college. Second, I can actual realize the bitterness of the gardeners and treasured plants. After the graduation, I plan to devote my life to plant flowers. I'll turn my country into a more beautiful state, attracting most foreigners to come to visit it.

  • 9. 在2020东京奥运会(the 2020 Tokyo Olympics)上,中国运动健儿取得了优异的成绩。某中学生英文报社面向中学生征稿,谈谈你的心得体会。




