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更新时间:2021-11-18 浏览次数:111 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Let's take a look at some of the world's unspoilt places that are beautiful because they have been left untouched, and remember the importance of keeping them pristine.

    Nunavut, Canada

    Auyuittuq National Park, which means "the land that never melts", is just one of the shocking wonders in Nunavut, There are many icefalls, mountains, and deep valleys while hikers cross the 60m Akshayuk Pass in the summer. And that's just one attraction. From narrow seas to mountains, there are three areas in Nunavut, all with beautiful natural land feature. Visitors can hunt, fish, mountain hike, and walk across ice flows.

    Namib Desert, Namibia

    A coastal desert in the southern area of Africa, it is known for its burnt orange-golden sands. The Namib has been dry for at least 55 million years and possibly as many as 80 million. The name means "vast space", and it spreads more than 1200 miles. The hill of sands can reach up to 980 feet high and 20 miles long. Amazingly, the temperatures striking against cold currents create a fog belt that often covers the desert.


    Perhaps the last unspoilt place, Antaretica is an empty landscape. No trees grow here, and one must travel with a tourism company in order to visit. Admire icebergs, sea lions, whales, and listen to the sound of absolutely nothing.

    Fiordland, New Zealand

    One of the most shocking areas of New Zealand, Fiordland can be seen on foot, by air, or by water. The Milford Track is one of the most famous walks, with the tallest waterfall in the country and impressive valley views. Lake Monowai is a glassy, mirrorlike body of water surrounded by mountains and best explored by boating on a still day.

    1. (1) Hunting and fishing are available for visitors in_________.
      A . Nunavut B . Namib Desert C . Antarctica D . Fiordland
    2. (2) What is Namib Desert famous for?
      A . Ice flows. B . Burnt sands. C . High hills. D . Valley views.
    3. (3) Which word can best describe all the four places?
      A . Unknown. B . Unreachable. C . Unmelted. D . Undamaged.
    4. (4) In which part of a magazine can this passage be found?
      A . Travel. B . Space. C . Opinion. D . Sports.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Learning Chinese characters can be a hard job for foreigners and even for young Chinese. The good news is that Chinese Character Origin Cards, a new product, can make learning them easy and fun.

    Can you picture 108 Chinese characters such as ren (person), niao (bird), and lei (thunder) coming alive right in front of your eyes, telling you how they have developed from the symbols carved on ancient animal bones all the way to what they look like now? This may sound impossible, but it's just what the cards promise their users.

    The cards were co-developed by an American expert Richard Sears and Shiwangme, a company mainly developing AR and AI applications. "I liked the idea of using 2D animation, together with 3D AR to show the correct origin ( 起源) of Chinese characters to Chinese children," said Sears, who decided to work as a special expert with Shiwangme to develop the product in 2018.

    "With Sears's years of research and his strong database, we are able to show learners the development of Chinese characters correctly," said Shiwangme CEO Zhang Shuai. The AR featured in the cards "would surely offer users high-tech excitements and make the learning experience much more fun", Zhang added.

    The cards have been welcomed in the market and Sears won the Jinling Friendship Award. However, Zhang and Sears won't rest on their achievements. According to Zhang, this is only the first set of cards. They will roll out two more. A total of 324 Chinese characters will be included to help Chinese learners build a strong basis.

    1. (1) What do we know about Chinese Character Origin Cards?
      A . It enjoys a long history. B . It was created by Sears alone. C . It has 108 Chinese characters now. D . It was specially designed for foreigners.
    2. (2) What does the underlined part "roll out" in Paragraph 5 mean?
      A . Remove. B . Introduce. C . Ignore. D . Revise.
    3. (3) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . The Applications of AR And AI B . The Invention of Chinese Characters C . Richard Sears Won the Jinling Friendship Award D . Technology Adds Fun to Chinese Characters Learning
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Even for a civilization as advanced as the Harappan, a second drought was perhaps one too many. The climate disaster may be what drove the ancient society to disappear step by.

    The Harappan started in the Indus valley around 5200 years ago, strongest around 2600 BC. Much about them is unknown. Yet archaeological remains tell the story of the people, skilled in trade and city planning, and particularly good at controlling water. Their huge cities, complete with excellent systems for underground water and public baths, existed long before the Roman Empire.

    But by 1900 BC, their society seemed to be on the fall, and by 1300 BC, the Harappan civilizations had broken down. Several ideas have been put forward to explain the downfall, including invasion and climate change. One recent study refers to a major drought in the northern half around 4200 years ago. This event was recently considered as the start of the Meghalayan period. It is thought to have broken up climate systems around the world, including the summer monsoon rainfall the Harappan depended on.

    Nick Scroxton at University College Dublin, Ireland, and his team are now challenging this idea after studying 10 ancient records. They found some facts of a sudden drought starting around 4260 years ago. The study suggests the Harappan faced a sharp decrease in winter rain. "The civilization suffered, that's for sure," says Scroxton. But that wasn't the end of the Harappan. "Their politics might change, the crops might change, the location of their cities changes, but they adapt," says Scroxton.

    Some 300 years later, however, just as the winter rains were starting to recover, a hottest drought kicked off. This was a slowing reduction in the sum monsoon rains over several centuries. Scroxton and his team say this second drought changed the Harappan into a poor society that disappeared at last.

    1. (1) What is the second paragraph mainly about?
      A . The trade with the Roman Empire. B . The site of the Harappan civilization. C . The rise of the Harappan civilization. D . The similarities between Roman and Harappan.
    2. (2) How did Nick's team conduct the study?
      A . By tracking the rainfall. B . By moving into the city. C . By building climate systems. D . By researching ancient records.
    3. (3) What may have really ended the ancient Harappan civilization?
      A . The monsoon rainfall. B . Double climate disaster. C . The invasion of Roman. D . The change of the cities.
  • 4. 任务型阅读

    Setting goals can help you stay on top of your studies, but it's important to set the right kinds of goals. That's where S.M.A. R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Action-based, Realistic, Time-scheduled) goals can help.

    Set your goal as specific as possible

    Having an unclear goal can make it difficult to follow through on your efforts and track your progress. . For example, instead of saying your goal is to get through your math class, figure out what grade you want to earn.

    Ensure your progress is measurable

    It is wise to decide in advance how you will measure progress. You can choose both short-term and long-term measures of progress. In the short-term, you might measure progress by looking at how much studying you get done in a week.

    Decide on action-based steps

    When you set your goal, make sure you have a clear action plan and detailed steps.  Action-based steps might include finishing your homework ahead of time, reviewing your notes every day after class, and arranging a meeting with your professor.

    Make sure your goal is realistic

    . An example of a realistic goal would be to improve your course grade by one letter before the end of the semester. An unrealistic goal, by comparison, would be to turn an F into an A by the end of the semester.

    If you're working within a school calendar, the end of that semester might be the end of your time schedule. You might decide that you'll achieve your goal before the final week. That means working backwards to figure out what needs to be completed and when.

    A. Work towards your goal

    B. Give yourself a reasonable time schedule

    C. You might have a goal of getting an A in English

    D. However, having a clear goal will help you stay driven

    E. That way you'll know what you're achieving and how you'll get there

    F. In the long-term, you might watch how your grades improve over the semester

    G. It's important to dream big, but it's also important to know what you can achieve

  • 5. 完形填空

    When I was a kid, my brother Lee and I were close. We 1 to visit Grandpa's place since it was so different from our home. The place was teaming with curious bugs and animals. We took every chance to investigate these 2. The only one that we were not 3 about was Grandpa's dog. He was always angry and could not be 4 outside of his cage (笼子).We never went close 5 we could avoid it.

    One day the dog got out of his cage and 6 me walking in his path. That dog 7 me with sharp teeth shown. I 8 running for the house as fast as I could, shouting for 9. But I was no match for the dog's 10 and he was fast catching up. When Lee heard my cries for help he came running to me. He got 11 the dog and me to allow me to run on ahead. But this meant the dog was after him now. The dog bit (咬) him twice on the leg before grandpa got there to 12 the dog off.

    Lee has the scars (疤) of that 13 experience to this day. Till now I 14 have a fresh memory of running fearfully with the dog very 15 but then it not being close as I made it to the 16. I never saw the dog bite him but I can just 17 the terrible look on his face as he took the bites 18 for me.

    Each of us has people in our lives that 19 us for good. I'm here to express 20 to Lee for showing me an example of courage and selflessness.

    A . forgot B . loved C . happened D . refused
    A . plants B . cases C . creatures D . sights
    A . hopeful B . worried C . serious D . curious
    A . noticed B . recognized C . trusted D . annoyed
    A . if B . or C . until D . though
    A . kept B . saw C . left D . joined
    A . came at B . laughed at C . looked after D . depended on
    A . gave up B . went on C . turned down D . took off
    A . advice B . help C . freedom D . power
    A . speed B . size C . voice D . strength
    A . before B . after C . beside D . between
    A . send B . drop C . pull D . set
    A . boring B . frightening C . confusing D . embarrassing
    A . ever B . already C . still D . also
    A . close B . far C . hungry D . tired
    A . farm B . cage C . path D . house
    A . observe B . remember C . imagine D . show
    A . meant B . created C . prepared D . saved
    A . interest B . accept C . believe D . influence
    A . regrets B . thanks C . pity D . concern
  • 6. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Jan Tchamani, an English teacher, benefited a lot from the Internet during her unemployed period. Thanks to the Internet, she could explore what she was  (interest) in which helped her feel less lonely and bored. Jan was inspired  (learn) more about how to make society better by taking online classes. She considered it important to bridge the digital divide and ensure that everyone can learn to use the Internet and new technology  (smooth). Her next goal is to set up a charity website for children  grow up in poor countries.

  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Thirty Six Strategies, a short video series, is to be shown on the Internet starting on Tuesday. It is made up of 36 one minute videos. The Thirty Six Strategies is originally a  (collect) of ancient Chinese strategies applied in wars. But today, many people use this ancient wisdom in business and sports, as well as their  (day) lives. It uncovers how ancient wisdom can be used to deal  the problems people face today.

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Over the past twenty years, Zhang Dewu has never missed swimming in the frozen (冰冻的) Songhua River on a winter day. The 70-year-old man  (fall) in love with winter swimming when he first tried it 20 years ago. The extremely cold and strong winds on the river don't prevent him—in fact, the extreme experience is  whole point. Before diving into the icy river, Zhang will do some warm-up exercises, like jogging or  (water) his body with room-temperature water.

  • 9. 上周末,你校组织高一年级师生前往开心农场参加采摘活动。请你为校园英语报写一篇报道。内容包括:





  • 10. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。

    The importance of reading is obvious. If you're not a big fan of books, that's OK! You're not alone! But before you shut down books and reading all together, take time to learn more about the importance of reading and all the amazing benefits that come with it.

    Reading can help improve your vocabulary. It increases exposure with new words and makes it easier for words to stay. Saying new wards out loud helps you better recall them and pick them up, making these new words part of your own active vocabulary.

    Reading allows for creative thinking. If you were an explorer, you would learn about the world through direct experience. Sadly, you can't all take to the high road and disappear into the sunset. But you can discover new worlds through reading books. Reading a book uses the imagination and this in tur develops your creativity, which allows you to dream and think in ways that you would have never been able to before.

    Reading brings joy and happiness to your life. You don't read because you have to. You read because you have fun doing it, a reminder that books are meant to be enjoyed. Reading brings you joyous experience, whether you are opening a new book or rereading an old favorite. It's easy to get lost in a world with interesting characters, tense situations, and beautiful settings.

    It's safe to say that reading can change your life for the better. If you think that you hate reading books, then perhaps you just have yet to find the type for your own personal style—but keep trying, and keep searching for what's right for you. Reading is one of the most powerful things in the world, offering you new chances to learn, grow and be inspired!

