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更新时间:2021-08-26 浏览次数:147 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Celebrating the ox

    The ox has significance in Chinese culture. The Year of the1is coming. In China, you will find all kinds of ox figures2of gold, wood, plastic, paper, shell and stone on sale in stores and on streets to celebrate the coming.

    Centuries ago,most people earned their living3farming. The ox was4to help plow(犁地), cultivate and carry heavy goods.

    The ox is considered a5of diligence (勤劳) and earnestness (认真)in Chinese culture. To this day, the phrase "the spirit of ox" still refers to conquering(战胜)6that may present itself as an obstacle(阻碍). The spirit is7praised and many people follow it as their work rules. When someone achieves a great accomplishment through hard work, people often use "niu", meaning "great", to describe him or her.

    Oxen seldom bully (欺负) the weak or fear the8. They work hard and face everything bravely. This is reflected in a couplet(对句)from a poem by Lu Xun (1881-1936):"Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; Head bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children",(“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”) which fully expresses the poet's loyalty (忠诚)to the people.

    So naturally, those people9were born in the Year of the Ox are often10to be hardworking, reliable(可靠)and loyal.(忠诚) "They never seek to be the center of attention and do not look for praise, "the website China Highlights noted.

    A . chicken B . dog C . ox
    A . made B . took C . got
    A . from B . through C . of
    A . used B . found C . looked
    A . gift B . food C . symbol
    A . something B . anything C . nothing
    A . highly B . slowly C . quickly
    A . old B . young C . strong
    A . which B . when C . who
    A . looked B . regarded C . waited
  • 2. 阅读理解

    On October 16th, the ministry of education (教育部) said that all high school entrance exams (中考) should include fine arts testing by 2022.And 12 cities in six provinces have started the practice. The scores change from 10 to 40 points.

    This news has caused heated discussion. What will it mean for students? We invited two teenagers to share their ideas.

    Zhao Xin, 14, Beijing

    I'm in junior 2. We have a music class and a drawing class every week. Sometimes, the teachers show us movies about famous painters or musicians, telling their encouraging life stories. Studying music or fine arts is never a stress to me and the tests are only about what we've learned in class. What's more, we have open-book exams in my school. Most of my classmates will get over 90 out of 100 points. I don't think these subjects will be too difficult if they're included in the high school entrance exams.

    Zhao Hanfang, 15, Yunnan

    l study in a village school. Our school doesn't have separate music and art classroom. Every Friday, students from several classes will have music class in our library hall. With so many students, the teachers can't check everyone's singing in each class. It's really hard for tone-deaf people like me to remember the melodies(旋律).So I need to do extra practice before the test, and I feel worried. So if music is included in the high school entrance exams, l might be under much pressure.

    1. (1) According to the ministry of education, what should all high school entrance exams include by 2022?
      A . P.E. testing. B . Fine arts testing. C . Computer testing. D . Spoken English testing.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "tone-deaf" mean in Chinese?
      A . 音盲的 B . 柔和的 C . 聋的 D . 盲的
    3. (3) What can we know from the last paragraph?
      A . Zhao Hanfang doesn't study in a village school. B . The teachers can check everyone's singing in Zhao Hanfang's class. C . Zhao Hanfang thinks it's not easy for him to remember the melodies. D . Every Friday, students have music class in the dining hall.
    4. (4) Which sentence is right according to the passage?
      A . The ministry of education (教育部) said that most high school entrance exams (中考) should include fine arts testing by 2022. B . The teachers show the students movies about famous painters or musicians, telling their encouraging life stories in Zhao Xin's school. C . Zhao Xin and Zhao Hanfang don't have separate music and art classroom, because they study in a village. D . If music is included in the high school entrance exams, Zhao Xin might be under too much pressure.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Detective Chinatown 3《唐人街探案3》

    As the third installment( 部 ) of director Chen Sicheng's Detective Chinatown franchise(唐探宇宙),the film was scheduled to be on during the Spring Festival last year but was postponed due to the coVID-19 outbreak. Following their adventures in Bangkok and New York in the first two movies, the part-time detective duo portrayed(组合) by Wang Baoqiang and Liu Haoran travels to Tokyo as they try to solve a murder mystery, which could earn them a huge reward.

    Hi, Mom!《你好,李焕英》

    As the directorial debut (处女作) of comedy actress Jia Ling, the film is adapted from her 2016 sketch comedy of the same title. The film reflects on how she misses her late mother Li Huan ying, who encouraged Jia to achieve her artistic dreams. Interestingly, the way that Jia shows her filial piety (孝顺方式) is a bit special as she fictionalizes(虚构) a time-travel story to tell her mother's love story set in 1981.

    Crowd of people《人潮汹涌》

    Hong Kong mega star (巨星)Andy Lau's latest film, which is highly expected by his fans. The story follows a cruel killer,played by Andy Lau,and an extra actor,played by Xiao Yang, who accidently exchange identities(身份) ,leading to series of strange situations. From the unfortunate flop Find Your Voice (热血合唱团) to the recent blockbuster Shock Wave 2(拆弹专家2),Lau has secured his status as a prolific star on the big screen over the past unusual year. But judging from the new film's director and cast, Lau's performance in the upcoming film may deserve(值得) our expectation.

    1. (1) How many detective films about Detective Chinatown franchise has been on so far?
      A . 2. B . 4. C . 3. D . 6.
    2. (2) What can we know from the film Hi, Mom?
      A . The film is adapted from her 2017 sketch comedy of the same title. B . Jia Ling misses her mom very much. C . Jia Ling's mom encouraged her to pursue her singer dreams. D . The way that Jia Ling showcases her filial piety (孝顺方式) is not special.
    3. (3) Which is NOT true according to the information above?
      A . The director of the Detective Chinatown franchise (唐探宇宙) is Chen Sicheng. B . Detective Chinatown 3 was scheduled to be released (上映) during the Spring Festival last year but was postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. C . Hi, Mom! is the directorial debut (处女作) of comedy actress Jia Ling. D . Crowd of people is Hong Kong mega star (巨星)Andy Lau's first film.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    At the age of 16, l arrived in Australia to go to high school for one year and lived with a host family (寄宿家庭).

    When the plane touched down (着陆), I was so excited that I was finally in Australia, something l had been planning for many months. In the first few weeks, I was completely over the moon about everything —l mean everything, from cultural parts such as ways of living and communicating with others to clothes, music and food.

    However, after about two months of excitement things started to feel strange. Differences became clearer and I started mission mv friends and family more and more. My head was full of the thoughts like. "Nobody really understands me. My English is not good enough. I wish people would just be able to speak German for one day! Why is it so difficult to find a piece of bread that I want?"

    Over the next few months, though, I slowly got used to the life there and a sense of belonging more and more took the place of my worry and homesickness. I developed my own little routine(日常事务) and made many new friends. My English improved greatly and l learned to appreciate new ways of thinking. During those months, I also developed a very interesting sleeping pattern where I would sleep about 14 hours a day, because my mind needed more time to recover after experiencing so many challenges throughout the day.

    Things started to make sense (讲得通) and I understood Australian culture better and better. Over my last few months abroad, I felt more and more comfortable with my new home. My happiest moment was when my dear friend one day said during a conversation, "You are Australian now, Jude! You sound just like us!"

    Now I still stay in touch with my host family. I'm very thankful for their kindness when l went through culture shock.

    1. (1) Why did Jude go to Australia?
      A . To study as a high school student. B . To experience a new way of living. C . To better understand Australian culture. D . To visit the host family he once lived with.
    2. (2) What happened to Jude after two months in Australia?
      A . His English improved. B . He had trouble sleeping. C . He made many new friends. D . He started to feel homesick.
    3. (3) We can know _________________ from Paragraph 4.
      A . how Jude started his life B . how Jude's life changed C . what challenges Jude faced D . what Jude's daily life was like
    4. (4) Put the sentences in the right order according to the passage.

      ①l slowly got used to the life there.

      ②l felt more and more comfortable with my new home.

      ③I was completely over the moon.

      ④I still stay in touch with my host family.

      ⑤Things started to feel strange.

      A . ①②③④⑤ B . ③⑤2④① C . ③⑤①②④ D . ③①⑤②④.
  • 5. 阅读理解

    China's first Mars probe(火星探测器) Tianwen-1, which arrived in the Martian parking orbit(火星轨道) on February 26 and is currently orbiting the planet (绕火星运行) , has sent back a group of new high definition images(高清图像) of the Earth's planetary neighbor.

    China National Space Administration (CNSA) shared the images with the Global Times on Thursday. The amazing pictures of the Red Planet by Tianwen-1 include two panchromatic (全色 ) imago and one color image, CNSA said in a statement it provided to the Global Times.

    Those panchromatic images, which appear to be black and white, were taken by the Chinese craft's high-definition (高分辨率) camera as it flew somewhere between 330-350 kilometers above the Mars surface. From these images with a resolution (分辨率) of around 0.7 meters, the crater(陨石坑) , ridges (山脊) and dunes

    (沙丘) of the planet can clearly be seen. CNSA estimated (估计) that the largest crater in the image could be some 620 meters in diameter (直径).

    The color image is taken by the color camera of Tianwen-1, and is a capture of the north polar region (北极区域) of the Mars.

    CPPCC member (政协委员) and CASC official Bao Weimin said Thursday that China's first Mars mission—Tianwen-1——will land on the Red Planet sometime between May-June this year.

    The currently-orbiting probe is investigating (寻找) the potential landing site(潜在着陆点) on the largest plain of the Red Planet, known as Utopia Planitia, Bao said.

    1. (1) How many pictures of the Red Planet by Tianwen-1 are mentioned in the second paragraph?
      A . 2. B . 1. C . 3. D . 4.
    2. (2) How high did the camera fly somewhere above the Mars surface?
      A . 620 meters. B . 0.7 meters. C . 330 meters. D . 330-350 kilometers.
    3. (3) What can we know from the third paragraph?
      A . Those panchromatic images appear to be black and white. B . The images has a resolution of around 0.6 meters. C . You can only see the crater and ridges of the planet. D . CNSA estimated that the largest crater in the image could be some 330 meters in diameter.
    4. (4) Which one is not TRUE according to the information above?
      A . Tianwen-1 arrived in the Martian parking orbit on February 26 and is currently orbiting the planet. B . The color image is taken by the color camera of Tianwen-1, and is a capture of the south polar region of the Mars. C . Bao Weimin said Thursday that China's first Mars mission—Tianwen-1—will land on the Red Planet sometime between May-June this year. D . The currently-orbiting probe is investigating the potential landing site on the largest plain of the Red Planet.
  • 6. 根据短文内容,从短文后的方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Sima Guang Smashed the Vat(砸缸)

    Sima Guang was a Prime Minister and outstanding historian of the Northern Song Dynasty. He devoted (奉献) his life to writing the classical chronicle "Historical Events Retold as a Mirror for Government" (Zi Zhi Tong Jian). At the age of seven, he once played hide and seek (捉迷藏) with other children in the garden. One child wanted to hide in a big vat, which was unexpectedly full of water. The other children were frightened and broke up in a hubbub(一哄而散), where as Sima Guang remained there. The water flushed out.

    When this story became known extensively,people drew a picture for it, which was spread out in Kaifeng and Luoyang.

    A. Till today this story has been known to every household in China.

    B. He had barely (费力) climbed on the edge of the vat, but he slipped (滑) into it.

    C. As a young boy, Sima Guang was a diligent (勤奋) student, showing an outstanding Intelligence (智力).

    D. Thus the child in the vat was saved.

    E. He found a rock and broke the vat.

  • 12. 根据短文内容,用方框中所给词语的话当形式填空,使文章通顺完整。(每词限用一次)

    they, wear, finish, for, be, one, recent, child, poor, so

    Do you know Tie jiaxin. She is a video of a girl a red coat. A big smile got famous on Chinese social media(媒体). Tie Jiaxin, a grade student at Daping Elementary School in Xiji county of Guyuan, in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region(自治区), had just classes and was waiting for the bus to go home. It a little cold outside.

    The video was shot by Tie's teacher, Ma Rui, who thought she was cute and her smile healing." I thought the video was fun, I uploaded it online," said Ma. who has taught music and math at the school more than a year.

    "The here are so unsophisticated(纯洁的)," "she said." Their smiles are beautiful and confident."

    Xiji had been one of Ningxia's areas. In November last year, it was lifted out of poverty. The smiles on kids' faces reflect living standard and confidence in the future.

  • 13. 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。(请注意问题后的词数要求)

    [1]A 19-year-old girl from Mianzhu,Sichuan Province has shown the power of perseverance. Her story has moved many people.

    [2] Li Xinyu has been admitted by Central China Normal University in Wuhan, Hubei Province. She will study law at the university. This was not easy for the girl lost her right hand in the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 when she was only seven.

    [3] She started to practice with her left hand after the misfortune(不幸).And she managed to write left-handed quite well in only three months. Li's father said he had never seen his daughter cry. Even in the most painful times, it was she who often comforted(安慰) the family.

    [4]In 2019,Li sat for the gaokao for the first time and her total score passed the threshold for top-tier universities (一流大学的门槛)".But she decided to take the exam again as the scores of several subjects didn't meet her expectations.

    [5]After a year of hard work, she scored 625 in this year's gaokao and was admitted to her dream university. After she got the offer, she didn't hesitate to call Zhu Jiaqing, who has been financing (供给) her living expenses 2008.

    [6]Zhu, from Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province, was excited to hear the news.他承诺继续支持她 if she is willing to carry on with higher studies.

    1. (1) Why did Li Xinyu take the gaokao again? (No more than 7 words)
    2. (2) Who has been supporting Li Xinyu?
    3. (3) How soon did she succeed in writing left-handed well? (No more than 3 words)
    4. (4) Fill in each blank in the passage with a proper word.(No more than 3 words)

    5. (5) Translate the underlined sentence in the sixth paragraph into English.
    6. (6) What can we learn from Li Xinyu?
  • 14. 每个时代都有每个时代的责任,2021年是不平凡的一年,正值建党一百年。我们作为新时代的青少年,应从自我做起,争做热爱祖国的好少年。请根据下面表格内容提示写一篇英语短文。












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