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人教新目标初中英语七年级下册Unit 8 Is there ...

更新时间:2022-01-15 浏览次数:91 类型:单元试卷
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答下面两个小题
    1. (1) Where does the woman want to go?
      A . To the hotel. B . To the bank. C . To the hospital.
    2. (2) What do we know from the conversation(对话)?
      A . The hospital is next to a bank. B . There is a post office on Jiefang Road. C . The bank is across from a bookstore.
  • 8. 听下面一段对话,回答下面三个小题
    1. (1) Where is the hospital?
      A . It's across from the supermarket. B . It's next to the supermarket. C . It's next to the restaurant.
    2. (2) What can you see across from the hospital?
      A . A restaurant. B . A supermarket. C . A library.
    3. (3) What is not in the neighborhood?
      A . A hotel. B . A bank. C . A library.
  • 9. 听短文,选择正确答案
    1. (1) How many floors are there in the shopping mall?
      A . 2. B . 3. C . 4.
    2. (2) What's Eric doing now?
      A . Playing with a CD. B . Listening to music C . Looking for a basketball.
    3. (3) Where is Millie?
      A . In a sports shop. B . In a music shop. C . In a restaurant.
    4. (4) Where is the fast food restaurant?
      A . On the ground floor. B . On the first floor. C . On the top floor.
    5. (5) Which one is TRUE?
      A . Eric is looking for his mother. B . Mrs Black is having breakfast. C . David wants to buy hamburgers.
  • 20. 完形填空

        Jack 1in an office in a small town. One day his boss(老板) says to him, "Jack, I want you 2to London, to an office there, and to see Mr Brown. Here is the 3. You won't get 4with it." Jack takes the 5to London . He leaves the train station and thinks, "The office is not far 6the station. I can find it 7."

        But after an hour, he is still looking for the office. So he asks an old woman. She says, "Just go along the street,8 left at the end, and it's the second building on the right. " Jack 9her. With the old woman's help, he gets to the office very soon. He is very 10.

        Some days later he goes to the same city,11 again he can't find the 12So he asks someone on the 13. It is the 14woman! She is very 15and says, "Are you still looking for that place? "

    A . studies B . works C . watches D . listens
    A . to go B . going C . go D . goes
    A . number B . address C . name D . list
    A . sleepy B . sad C . tired D . lost
    A . bus B . ship C . train D . plane
    A . near B . from C . far away D . next
    A . happily B . carefully C . hardly D . easily
    A . take B . go C . turn D . cross
    A . answers B . thanks C . says D . tells
    A . afraid B . bored C . friendly D . happy
    A . because B . when C . but D . so
    A . hospital B . bank C . office D . restaurant
    A . way B . map C . phone D . train
    A . beautiful B . same C . white D . old
    A . excited B . free C . interested D . surprised
  • 21. 阅读理解

       I'm Sally. My grandparents live in a nice neighborhood. It's an interesting place to visit. I like to spend time there on weekends.

       I often walk along Main Street to get there. There is an old building inthe center of the neighborhood. It's a library. It's about 150 years old andlots of people like to read books there. There is a red building across fromthe library. It's an old post office. It's about 100 years old. Next to it,there is a supermarket.

       My favorite in the neighborhood is Walking Street. There are many smallrestaurants on this street. I like to eat all kinds of delicious snacks(小吃). There is a park behind Walking Street. My grandparents alwayswalk around in the park every afternoon. It's nice and quiet, and they canenjoy the clean air and sunshine.

    1. (1) How does Sally often go to her grandparents' home?
      A . By bike. B . On foot. C . By bus. D . By car.
    2. (2) The library is about ________years old.
      A . 150 B . 130 C . 120 D . 100
    3. (3) There is a ________ next to the post office.
      A . school B . hotel C . hospital D . supermarket
    4. (4) Where is the park?
      A . On Main Street. B . Next to the library. C . Behind Walking Street. D . Across from the post office.
    5. (5) What do Sally's grandparents always do in the afternoon?
      A . Read books in the library. B . Shop in the supermarket. C . Walk around in the park. D . Watch TV at home.
九、 用所给词的适当形式填空。
  • 32. 根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 其中有两项多余。

    A: Excuse me. Could you help me, please?

    B: Certainly.

    A: I'm lost. I'd like to go to Hainan Museum, but I can't find it.

    B: No. It's only about 10 minutes' walk. It's very easy to find it. I can show you the way.


    B: My pleasure. Then turn left to Guoxing Avenue. Go straight on, and turn right at the second crossing.

    A: OK. I've got it.

    B: The museum is next to Hainan Theater.

    A: Great. Thank you.

    B: You're welcome.

    A. Is it far?

    B. You can't miss it.

    C. That's very kind of you.

    D. How can I get there?

    E. What's up?

    F. There is a supermarket near here.

    G. First, go along this street to the traffic lights.

  • 33. 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。

        Hello, my name is Jill. This is my neighborhood. It is very beautiful. My house is to a new building(楼房) on Green Street. My best friend Betty lives in that building. There is a clean and big park from the building. I often play football there.

        There a music school in my neighborhood. I go there to learn the piano every Saturday afternoon. It is across from a bank. is the supermarket? It is between the park and the music school. Betty's mother is a sales clerk(售货员)there. There is a new library next to the music school. It is across from old post office. My mother works at the post office.

  • 34. 假设你叫李磊,马克是你的美国笔友,他要来你家做客。请根据下面的示意图给马克写一封不少于70词的信,告诉他出了机场后到达你家的路线。

