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人教版(PEP)英语六年级下册Unit 1 How tall...

更新时间:2018-02-27 浏览次数:183 类型:同步测试
一、 看图,写单词或短语。
二、 单项选择。
三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
四、 根据汉语提示完成句子。
五、 连词成句。
  • 20.   连词成句。
    1. (1) my,older, him, father, is, than (. )
    2. (2) size,your, what, are, shoes (?)
    3. (3) are,so, and, tall, big, they (. )
    4. (4) I,you, heavier, but, think, are (. )
    5. (5) are,a, beautiful, you, becoming, big, bird (. )
六、 阅读短文,判断正误。
  • 21. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        Nancy is reading an email from her American friend Jack. She is very happy to get the email. Jack writes about his school and his weekend. Jack's school is not very big, but it's beautiful. There are two buildings, two gardens and a playground.Their classrooms are big and clean. Jack likes his school very much.

        Jack doesn't go to school on the weekend. He often gets up at six on Saturdays and Sundays. Heruns in the park for half an hour. Then he eats breakfast. At eight, he beginsto do his homework. He has lunch with his family at home. In the afternoon, hehelps his mother do housework. Sometimes he plays computer games with his classmateson the Internet. In the evening, he listens to music or reads books.  He really has a good time on the weekend.

    1. (1) Jack is an American boy.
    2. (2) Jack's school is big and beautiful.
    3. (3) Jack doesn't go to school on Saturdays and Sundays.
    4. (4) He does his homework in the evening.
    5. (5) He often plays computer games with his classmates on the Internet.
七、 小猪猪迷路了,帮它找到回家的路并写出最近线路所组成的一句话。

