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更新时间:2017-10-27 浏览次数:728 类型:期中考试
  • 21. 通读全文,根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案填空。   

        Mr. Zhou and his students are on the bus. Everyone is 1. They'll arrive in Shanghai. Now, they are on their way to their sister school by 2. The school is not far 3 their hotel. Mr. Zhou becomes more excited. He is from Shanghai. His parents and his friends will be glad to see him. He and his students are talking about their 4 in the bus. First, they will study in their sister school for months and then they will see some 5 places in Shanghai. About four months later, they'll go back to Nanjing.

    A . worried B . excited C . sad D . interesting
    A . train B . plane C . bike D . bus
    A . from B . to C . with D . for
    A . plan B . diary C . housework D . study
    A . surprising B . interested C . interesting D . surprised
  • 22. 通读全文,根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案填空。

        Jane is a lovely girl and likes small animals. She often walks to school. There is a pet shop near her home.

        On 1 way back from school every afternoon, She always stops in front of the pet shop to 2 the animals. She likes the 3 there. One of them is a little white dog and Jane likes it 4. She likes watching the white dog 5 in the cage. So she often forgets the time and goes back home very 6. But her parents don't know the 7.

        One day, her parents asked 8 she was late. Jane told them about the dogs in the pet shop.

        The next day, Jane 9 to watch the dogs as usual, but she could not 10 the white dog. She was very 11 and went home early. When she got home, her mother 12 her a big cake and her father 13 her a present.

        It was the white dog. How 14 she was! It was her birthday. Jane was very happy. From that day on, she did not come home 15 any more. She ran home early to play with her dog.

    A . she B . hers C . his D . her
    A . feed B . buy C . watch D . keep
    A . birds B . dogs C . shopkeeper D . cats
    A . best B . better C . very D . a lot of
    A . sleeping B . playing C . eating D . barking
    A . late B . early C . fast D . soon
    A . way B . animals C . shop D . reason
    A . what B . why C . when D . where
    A . liked B . remembered C . stopped D . forgot
    A . hunt B . look at C . look for D . find
    A . surprised B . sad C . happy D . lucky
    A . showed B . ate C . borrowed D . called
    A . found B . asked C . gave D . helped
    A . surprised B . sad C . interested D . tired
    A . early B . late C . happily D . angrily
  • 23. 根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。

        I was in the park with my elder sister, Cathy, on Friday. My sister left her jacket on a chair while we talked to some friends. When we went back to the chair, a girl in a red T-shirt was sitting there. She had some money in her hand. When she saw us, she stood up and walked away.

        I asked my sister, "Did you have any money in your jacket?"

        She said, "Yes, Anna, I did."

        I said, "Look in your jacket quickly."

        Cathy looked in her jacket, but her money was not there.

        "That girl stole(偷) it!" I said, and we both ran after her. We caught her quickly.

        My sister was very angry and she said, "Give me the money." The girl gave the money to Cathy and ran away. We both ran after her, but we lost her.

        Then we went home. But before we could tell our parents, my mother said to Cathy, "You left your money at home. It's on the table in the sitting room. You must be more careful with money."

        So the girl in the red T-shirt was not a thief! She probably thought we were thieves! We felt terrible.

        Please telephone us if you know this girl! We are very sorry for our mistake. We would like to say sorry to her and give the money back to her.

        Our number is 512667. My name is Anna.

    1. (1) Cathy thought the money in the girl's hand was           .
      A . from her jacket B . the girl's own money C . from their home D . from the chair
    2. (2) The girl gave the money to Cathy because         .
      A . she was afraid B . Cathy asked her nicely C . it was Cathy's money D . she wanted to help them
    3. (3) According to the reading, Cathy's money was really      .
      A . in her jacket B . in the girl's hand C . at home D . on the chair
    4. (4) The two sisters found that the money wasn't Cathy's         .
      A . when the girl ran away from them B . after they heard their mother's words C . when the girl came to ask for it D . when they caught her
    5. (5) The writer writes the passage to           .
      A . telephone the girl B . say thanks to the girl C . say good-bye to the girl D . return(归还) the money to the girl
  • 24. 根据对话内容的理解,选择正确答案。

    (Some classmates are talking about their weekend.)

        Linda: I stayed at home and studied over the weekend. I studied for my English test on Saturday. Yesterday I wrote a geography paper. In the evening I talked to my pen pal (笔友) on the phone. What did you do?

    Tim: I had a good time. On Saturday morning I played tennis, in the afternoon I went to the beach, and in the evening I went to Nancy's birthday party. On Sunday I went to the mountains with my friends.

    Mary: Oh, your weekend was great. But mine was boring. I stayed at home the whole (全)weekend. I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. I even watered the flowers. And only in the evening I watched TV for a short time. Did you go out, Dave?

    Dave: No, I didn't. I stayed at home and watched TV on Saturday. Yesterday I watched a movie on TV, Fearless. It was very exciting.

    1. (1) Which of the following statements about Linda is NOT true?
      A . Linda had a pen pal. B . Linda had a geography test on Sunday. C . Linda had English and geography at school. D . Linda was busy with her studies over the weekend.
    2. (2) What did Tim do on Sunday evening?
      A . He had a phone call. B . He went to Nancy's birthday party. C . He watched TV at home. D . The passage doesn't tell us about it.
    3. (3) Who stayed at home and did some housework?
      A . Linda. B . Tim. C . Mary. D . Dave.
    4. (4) Who only watched TV over the weekend?
      A . Dave. B . Mary. C . Both Dave and Mary. D . No one.
    5. (5) Only one of them left home over the weekend. Who was it?
      A . Linda. B . Tim. C . Mary. D . Dave.
  • 25. 根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。

        Mary is an American girl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. Mary doesn't know much Chinese, but she is studying it. She often speaks Chinese with her Chinese friends. Sometimes they can't understand her, because she can't speak Chinese very well.

        It's Saturday morning. She goes out. She is walking in the street. She wants to go to the zoo to see the elephants and monkeys, but she doesn't know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy the way. The boy can't understand her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. She draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy. The boy understands, and shows her the way to the zoo.

    1. (1) Mary is________.
      A . Chinese B . English C . Japanese D . American
    2. (2) Mary is in ______ with her parents now.
      A . Shanghai B . Beijing C . New York D . London
    3. (3) Mary doesn't know how to get to _______.
      A . the zoo B . the park C . her home D . her school
    4. (4) Mary can't speak _______ very well.
      A . English B . England C . China D . Chinese
    5. (5) At last the boy ________.
      A . can understand Mary's Chinese B . takes her to the zoo C . shows her the way to the zoo D . draws a picture for Mary, too
  • 26. 根据短文内容的理解,完成下列问题。

        Do you know "World Reading Day"? It is on April 23rd. It is the eighteenth "World Reading Day". As we know books are very important for us.

        In Germany, more than 70% of the people like reading: They often read. They read in their homes. They read in libraries. They read in parks. They even read in hospitals. Parents often read books for kids.

        It is easy to buy books in Germany. There are many bookshops in Germany. They are in big cities and small town. A bookshop can sell many books every day. Germans also like to buy books on the Internet. More and more people buy books on the Internet.

        In Germany, people often have reading parties. They are happy at the parties.

        Do you love reading? Hope you enjoy it!

    1. (1) April 23rd is .
    2. (2) How many people like reading in Germany?
    3. (3) Is it difficult to buy books in Germany?  
    4. (4) Germans often have reading parties.
    5. (5) 翻译划线部分的句子。
  • 27. 根据汉语提示完成英文句子,每空一词(动词可以加to)。
    1. (1) 我想知道这里过去的生活是什么样的。

      I wonder  life was like here  the past.

    2. (2) 假期你去了有趣的地方吗?

      Did you go   on vacation?

    3. (3) 牛奶对我们的健康有好处。

      Milk is   our health.

    4. (4) 只有百分之三的学生每周看两次电视。

      Only three  of the students watch TV  a week.

    5. (5) 她唱歌比塔拉声音大。

      She sings   than Tara.

  • 28. 根据汉语提示完成英文句子,每空一词(动词可以加to)。
    1. (1) 好朋友可以分享一切东西。

      Good friends can  .

    2. (2) 梦幻服装店服务最差

      Dream Clothes has   service.

    3. (3) 他们在决定谁获胜时起作用。

      They  a role in  the winner.

    4. (4) 在电视上你想看新闻吗?

        you want  the news on TV?

    5. (5) 我不能忍受谈话节目。

      I can't  talk shows.

  • 34. 选择词语适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。

    go   through   hen    become     cheap

    1. (1) We fed some  on the farm.
    2. (2) At the age of thirty, he  very rich.
    3. (3) I hope to find out what's  on around the world.
    4. (4) You can buy clothes  in our store.
    5. (5) The best way to relax is  exercise.
  • 35. 连词成句,标点已给出。
    1. (1) than, works, harder, she, me(.)
    2. (2) which, the, town, clothes, worst, in, store, is(?)
    3. (3) as, you, sister, your, as, friendly, is(?)
    4. (4) show, a, watch, let's, talk(.)
    5. (5) to, mountain, decided, we, go, the, to(.)
  • 36. 请根据中文提供的的相关信息,写一篇英语短文介绍李强,短文开头已给出。要求:语句连贯,词数70个左右。内容包括:


    放学后,他会做运动, 因此很健康。他还非常友好,喜欢帮助别人。大家都非常喜欢他。

        Li Qiang is a very good student. ……

