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外研版(2019)高中英语必修第三册Unit 1单元练习(1...

更新时间:2020-10-09 浏览次数:198 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    University Room Regulations

    Approved and Prohibited Items

    The following items are approved for use in residential (住宿的) rooms: electric blankets, hair dryers, personal computers, radios, televisions and DVD players. Items that are not allowed in student rooms include: candles, ceiling fans, fireworks, waterbeds, sun lamps and wireless routers. Please note that any prohibited items will be taken away by the Office of Residence Life.

    Access to Residential Rooms

    Students are provided with a combination (组合密码) for their room door locks upon check-in. Do not share your room door lock combination with anyone. The Office of Residence Life may change the door lock combination at any time at the expense of the resident if it is found that the student has shared the combination with others. The fee is $25 to change a room combination.

    Cooking Policy

    Students living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted to cook in the kitchen. Students must clean up after cooking. This is not the responsibility of housekeeping staff. Kitchens that are not kept clean may be closed for use. With the exception of using a small microwave oven (微波炉) to heat food, students are not permitted to cook in their rooms.

    Pet Policy

    No pets except fish are permitted in student rooms. Students who are found with pets, whether visiting or owned by the student, are subject to an initial fine of $100 and a continuing fine of $50 a day per pet. Students receive written notice when the fine goes into effect. If, one week from the date of written notice, the pet is not removed, the student is referred to the Student Court.

    Quiet Hours

    Residential buildings must maintain an atmosphere that supports the academic mission of the University. Minimum quiet hours in all campus residences are 11: 00 pm to 8: 00 am Sunday through Thursday. Quiet hours on Friday and Saturday nights are 1: 00 am to 8: 00 am. Students who violate quiet hours are subject to a fine of $25.

    1. (1) Which of the following items are allowed in student rooms?
      A . Ceiling fans and waterbeds. B . Wireless routers and radios. C . Hair dryers and candles. D . TVs and electric blankets.
    2. (2) What if a student is found to have told his combination to others?
      A . The combination should be changed. B . The Office should be charged. C . He should replace the door lock. D . He should check out of the room.
    3. (3) What do we know about the cooking policy?
      A . A microwave oven can be used. B . Cooking in student rooms is permitted. C . A housekeeper is to clean up the kitchen. D . Students are to close kitchen doors after cooking.
    4. (4) When can students enjoy a party in residences?
      A . 7: 00 am, Sunday. B . 7: 30 am, Thursday. C . 11: 30 pm, Monday. D . 00: 30 am, Saturday.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    On the first day of my new high school, I almost had a nervous breakdown. Everything about the school seemed so difficult. When I got home, my parents said, "You're nervous and that's okay. Everyone is afraid of high school." I denied it. I wanted to be strong, so I refused to let anyone know about my fear, even my closest friends.

    On the first day I was late for every class and was constantly lost. The school seemed like a puzzle that I couldn't figure out. Was this how the whole year was going to be? I didn't think I could rise to this challenge, especially carrying a huge backpack that I could hardly lift. It was so big that I could knock someone out with it!

    Despite my fears, after the first week I finally had my schedule figured out. With the exception of falling up and down the stairs a couple of times and getting laughed at, high school was turning out to be not so bad. It was actually much better than middle school and much more challenging. Since then, I've been elected (选举) vice monitor of my class, which wasn't much of a victory since only three people ran for the four positions.

    It is normal to be scared about a new school. Take a deep breath and relax. High school is something that any student can overcome. Make sure you participate in some out-of-class activities because you'll find it easier to make friends. Try to do your best, even if it isn't straight A's.

    Most important of all, be who you are, whether you're a "fool", an athlete, or a lower grader. Don't try to pretend to be someone you're not. Now you know the true secrets of high school.

    1. (1) The main reason for the author's fear on his first day is that ______.
      A . he was not familiar with the new surroundings B . his schoolmates were unfriendly to him C . he was unable to work out the puzzle D . his schoolbag was too heavy for him to carry
    2. (2) From the author's first day experience we can infer that ______.
      A . he didn't know the right way to class B . he got to school before classes began C . he was fond of the school immediately D . his home was far from the school
    3. (3) After his first week at school, the author ______.
      A . was still not accustomed to the schedule B . was gradually used to the new school C . found high school not so challenging as he had imagined D . ran for monitor of his class against three other students
    4. (4) According to the passage, the secret of the author's success lies mainly in ______.
      A . making more friends B . getting more A's at school C . being who he really is D . joining in out-of-class activities
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Those pretty little brown spots on the skin might be common, but freckles (雀斑) remain a bit of a mystery to many — including those who have them. We interviewed three top skin doctors to explain the mysterious spots.

    "They get darker in the summertime, when the skin is in strong sunlight, and fade, or lose color, in the wintertime," says Dr. Joshua Zeichner at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City. "The sun's ultraviolet rays (紫外线) help some skin cells to produce more melanin (黑色素) in the skin."

    Contrary(相反) to popular belief, nobody is born with freckles, which generally don't pop up until adolescence. That is, some young people start to have freckles when they are developing into adults. 

    "But freckles often' run in the family', especially in families that have fair skin," says Jessica Wu, MD, a Los Angeles-based doctor. "People with fair skin and red or blond hair may have the same skin cells as their parents. Such skin cells are more sensitive (敏感的) to ultraviolet rays, so they produce more melanin in those spots."

    The spots themselves are nothing to fear, but those who have freckles are often fair-skinned as well, which in turn makes them more likely to get skin cancer, warns Dr. Howard Murad, who is known as "the Father of Internal Skincare".

    Freckles can be lightened with proper treatment, and new freckles often fade on their own. As with many things in life, prevention is key. "Wear sunscreen every day as part of your lifestyle, like brushing your teeth," says Zeichner. Wu agrees, "I do warn my patients with freckles to understand the necessity of wearing sunscreen."

    Safe sun practice is important for everyone, but having freckles means you need to be extra careful. "You are likely to get more of them — in addition to risk of skin cancer — if you don't use sun protection," warns Wu.

    1. (1) The underlined words "pop up" in Paragraph 3 probably mean "______".
      A . remain B . appear C . change D . return
    2. (2) What is Zeichner and Wu's advice for people with freckles?
      A . Waiting patiently for all the freckles to fade. B . Washing the freckled skin with a soft brush. C . Making a daily habit of using sunscreen. D . Trying not to do exercise in the sun.
    3. (3) What is the purpose of the text?
      A . To provide some knowledge of freckles. B . To explain the reasons for skin cancer. C . To show how dangerous freckles are. D . To introduce three top skin doctors.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Ask anyone who lives in an apartment in a packed city and they'll likely tell you space is among their biggest problems. Those living in even smaller rooms know the headache all too well. Some even pay money each month for storage as a result just to make more room.

    Boston-based company Ori is out to solve those problems with a system that uses robotics and apartment furniture to change small spaces in seconds.

    The company's new system is also called Ori, which is named for the Japanese word "origami", the art of folding (折叠) paper. The new system makes your furniture change your small space from a living room into a bedroom and even a workspace with the push of a button (按钮).

    Ori came from MIT's Media Lab, which works to help companies to create a better future for people. The company is working with developers Boston Properties, Skanska and Samuels Associates to put the furniture in high-end apartments in Boston. It is working with designer Yves Béhar on the furniture designs.

    The Boston models are being rented (租用) on Airbnb, an online company offering people rentals, so Ori can collect information about what users think of the system and improve it in the future. The system will be put on the market in the near future, said Larrea, founder and CEO Hasier Larrea.

    All of Ori's product (产品) is made in the US, and Larrea said the furniture is actually more expensive to make than the robotics. Assembly (装配) is simple—the unit can be put together in just a day, Larrea explained. The most difficult thing for this MIT team was making the system feel and look personal.

    "We have created these amazing robots with amazing abilities," he said. "But when you bring a system into a home, it can't look like a robot."

    1. (1) What is troubling the people mentioned in the first paragraph?
      A . Storage units in the city are getting smaller. B . There are too many people living in the city. C . The cost of living is too high. D . Their living space is too small.
    2. (2) How can the company Ori help a user?
      A . By helping to keep his house tidy. B . By using a robot to clean his furniture. C . By letting his rooms serve different purposes. D . By making a robot do daily work for him.
    3. (3) What do we know about the new system?
      A . It is now being tested. B . It has a few disadvantages. C . It was designed by Yves Béhar. D . It has just come onto the market.
    4. (4) What is the company making an effort to do now?
      A . Develop better robots. B . Shorten the assembly time. C . Cut down on its product's costs. D . Make its product more human-friendly.
  • 5. 阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Make Friends

    Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and promotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leave us without a friend.  But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.

    Associate with others.

    The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.

    Start a conversation.

    Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.

    Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together. Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.

    Let it grow.

    It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend. The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally. 

    Enjoy your friendship.

    The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you.

    A. Be cheerful.

    B. Do things together.

    C. Do not wait to be spoken to.

    D. Try not to find fault with your friends.

    E. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.

    F. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you.

    G. Making new friends comes easy for some people.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    While driving home today, I passed a man who was holding a sign, begging for donations. I had two dollars in my wallet. I decided that I was not going to give 1 money was so tight right now.

    Then, I felt it 2 not to give, and therefore I decided to give him half of what I had. I rolled down my window and 3 him one dollar. He said, "God bless you!" and I said, "You too." It was not a full 4.

    As I 5 away, I wished that I had spoken more to him, and I wished that I had given him all that I had, but instead I was too 6 to give more of myself.

    On my way home, I wondered why helping others didn't make me happy. I wondered if I had 7 a powerful universal law—the law of giving from my heart instead of my head. Perhaps just 8 not giving it all from my heart, I had blocked (阻塞) what I need to 9 right now.

    I did not feel guilty, 10 I did feel sad in my heart over my 11. My giving was from my head, not my heart. Now I 12 have the other dollar in my wallet. I hope that I will have a 13 soon to give it all.

    It is true that all of us should have courage to give all that we have. Though we do 14 money to buy our own children food and clothes, Christmas presents, socks, toilet paper and so on, we are 15 to try our best to help those in need of our help.

    A . if B . though C . when D . because
    A . necessary B . normal C . unimportant D . wrong
    A . showed B . lent C . handed D . owed
    A . deal B . exchange C . business D . greeting
    A . walked B . turned C . ran D . drove
    A . pleased B . sure C . afraid D . busy
    A . passed B . ignored C . remembered D . practiced
    A . by B . after C . upon D . over
    A . admit B . receive C . blame D . avoid
    A . and B . so C . or D . but
    A . choice B . failure C . difficulty D . fear
    A . already B . even C . still D . almost
    A . way B . chance C . right D . duty
    A . need B . lose C . earn D . borrow
    A . prepared B . forced C . supposed D . forbidden
  • 7. 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    With the rapid development of the Internet, more and more teenagers make friends online nowadays. Some people say it's good to do that, while others think it's (harm) especially to school pupils.

    Some consider that making friends online is a modern way to share friendship others. They can express their thoughts (free) to improve social skills and fluency in English. On the contrary, some strongly believe it is waste of time to make friends through online communication and what's worse, those so-called “friends” are likely to cheat you after

    (gain) your trust.

    In my opinion, the Internet is good or not depends on how we use it. If it (use) properly, we can communicate with people that come from every corner of the world, and share life experiences. Of course, however, since the Internet was born, many bad men (make) use of it to do something bad. So we must learn (determine) true or false and avoid being hurt.

    In conclusion, every coin has two (side). So does the Internet. If used in a proper way, the Internet has more advantages in seeking friendship.

  • 8. (2019高一下·温州期中) 假设你是李华。你和美国笔友David经常有电子邮件往来,相互了解中美学生的学习、生活情况。近期他来信向你了解你们学校学生的体育开展情况。请你用英语写一封电子邮件,内容包括:






  • 9. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

    It was raining pretty hard on Halloween, but that wasn't going to stop my little sister Kate and me from trick-or-treating. We decided to start at Miss Parson's house. Miss Parson was loved by us kids who lived near by because she often shared her self-made cookies with us. We usually finished them in a second, especially when we were hungry after class. Sometimes, when we visited her or did something for her, she always gave us surprise.

    Kate and I wondered what kinds of treats she'd offer. As we walked down the street, I held an umbrella, a bag for Candy, and my sister's hand. Jack-o-Lanterns gave soft light along the street. Spider webs hung in all the windows. Parents who were dressed up like monsters (怪物) stood in doorways. After we had walked a few blocks, we were wet from head to toes, and I felt Kate was trembling with cold.

    There was a light on at Miss Parson's house, but there were no ghosts, goblins (小妖精), or Jack-o-Lanterns. We climbed up the steps and saw Miss Parson through a window. She was drinking a cup of hot tea.

    "Maybe she doesn't celebrate Halloween," Kate said with a sigh, disappointedly.

    "Well, even if she doesn't, she usually likes it when we visit her," I said and knocked on the door.

    Miss Parson seemed surprised when she opened it and saw our dressing. "Is today Halloween?" she asked. "I completely forgot. I am so sorry!"

    Miss Parson rushed us into her house. ……

    The next morning, a hot and sweet discussion about Miss Parson and Halloween spread among us kids.……


