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更新时间:2020-09-08 浏览次数:91 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 完形填空

        When I visit the Science Museum, I go to Launchpad. This is my favourite room1I can do physics experiments. For example, if someone wants to fill a bag with2sand, he has to move a kind of truck on wheels into the correct position, I also go to Rocket Show. I can learn how we travel3space and back again.

        Then I go upstairs to the Human and Nature Room. People can4their speed with animals there. Hear a noise and push a button. If people aren't fast5, the lion catches them! I'm faster6all my friends, but the lion still catches me. There are also rooms on transport, the environment and space technology,7maths, physics and chemistry.

        People can do a lot of things in this museum, but they have to obey some rules as well. For example, they mustn't take photos of the8in the museum. But they can buy postcards of them in the museum shops.9, the Science Museum is free. That means people can drop in for a few minutes or stay as long as they like一 it's open every day,from 10 am to 6 pm. So if someone ever goes to London,10of visiting the Science Museum. It's my favourite museum in the whole world.

    A . for B . because C . and D . why
    A . falling B . to fall C . fallen D . falls
    A . onto B . up to C . into D . out of
    A . compare B . spread C . attract D . produce
    A . well B . enough C . too D . very
    A . than B . to C . and D . but
    A . rather than B . as far as C . as well as D . above all
    A . works B . exhibits C . advantages D . products
    A . More than B . In fact C . As well D . Above all
    A . work out B . make sure C . make up D . take care
  • 2. 阅读理解。

    Wonderful Museum


    Monday ~ Thursday: 10:00 am ~ 5:00 pm

    Friday: 10:00 am ~ 8:00 pm

    Saturday: 10:00 am ~ 5:00 pm

    Sunday: 11:00 am ~ 5:00 pm

    Closed on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

    The Museum Shop is open during regular museum hours.

    The Museum Library

    Monday ~ Friday: 10:00 am ~ 5:00 pm

    The Sky Liner Restaurant

    Monday ~ Saturday: during regular museum hours

    Sunday: 11:30 am ~ 5:00 pm


    Adults: S7. 00

    The aged and students with ID cards: $ 6. 00

    Wonderful Museum offers a 50% discount to groups of 20 or more.

    1. (1) Wonderful Museum opens _________________ except on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
      A . from Monday to Thursday B . every day C . at weekends D . on weekdays
    2. (2) If a group of 30 students with ID cards visit Wonderful Museum, how much should they pay for the admission?
      A . $105. B . $90. C . $210. D . S 180.
    3. (3) You can borrow books from the Museum Library ___________________.
      A . on weekdays B . at weekends C . from Monday to Saturday D . at 9:00 am
    4. (4) Which is the best title for the ad, ?
      A . Wonderful Museum 一 an exciting place for adults B . Welcome to Wonderful Museum for a long holiday C . Wonderful Museum 一 the best place to spend your day D . A wonderful tourist place
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Welcome to the Art Museum!

        You've just stepped into one of the world's greatest collections of art, covering centuries of human creativity from around the world. With thousands of works on show, you may wonder how to start your visit, but we are here to help. On the back of this Visitor Guide, you'll find directions to some must-see works in our collection- the "don't miss" list for the Art Museum, It's a great choice to start if you are new to the museum.

        The following pages include a clear floor plan of the museum and its collections, But because we have several buildings, the overlook(鸟瞰图) below might be helpful. Enjoy your visit and feel free to ask for help and directions at any point during your stay.

    1. (1) The passage is a page from ________________.
      A . a tour map B . a newspaper C . a visitor guide D . a picture book
    2. (2) What can we see in the "don't miss" list for the Art Museum?
      A . Some free paintings. B . Some must-see works. C . Some new collections. D . Some museum buildings.
    3. (3) How many parts does the overlook of the museum include?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four. D . Five.
    4. (4) Which part of the museum shows Chinese art?
      A . The "Bridge". B . Rice Building. C . The Modern Wing. D . Mckinlock Court,
    5. (5) Where can we see the special artworks?
      A . On all floors of Rice Building. B . On the second floor of Rice Building. C . On the first floor of Michigan Avenue Building. D . On the lower floor of Michigan Avenue Building.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Bob was only seven years old. One night Bob was at home alone while his parents were out for a party. He had often stayed alone before, so he wasn't afraid. As he waited for his parents to return home, he watched a film on TV. His eyes became heavier and heavier as time passed by.

        Suddenly Bob's eyes opened wide- what was the sound in the next room? Bob heard the window being opened slowly. For a minute, Bob was so frightened that he could not move, and his body felt like ice. He knew that he couldn't lose his head and began to think of the things he could do.

        Again he heard the sound of someone trying to climb into his home through the window.

        Bob's drums were standing in the corner near the TV. "Wait, maybe there is something I can do," thought Bob. He beat his drums as hard as he could. The sound was so terrible that Bob surprised even himself. He also surprised the man in the window, who ran away as fast as possible. How clever he was!

    1. (1) What did Bob do when he waited for his parents?
      A . He played the drums. B . He watched TV. C . He fell asleep. D . He did nothing.
    2. (2) The person who wanted to come into the room might be _________________.
      A . a friend B . a stranger C . an animal D . a thief (贼)
    3. (3) What does the underlined phrase "lose his head" mean in Chinese?
      A . 冷静 B . 生气 C . 惊慌失措 D . 喜出望外
    4. (4) What did Bob do to make the man run away?
      A . He turned up the TV. B . He called the police. C . He beat his drums. D . He asked his parents for help.
    5. (5) What do you think of Bob?
      A . Foolish. B . Lovely. C . Funny. D . Clever.
  • 5. 阅读理解

        In the past, when people had problems, they usually went to their families or friends to get advice. Today it is possible to get advice from radio shows, TV programmes and telephone hot lines. A hot line is a telephone line. It offers a direct way of getting in touch with advisers. Most hot lines are completely anonymous. That is to say, callers do not have to say their names or telephone numbers. Most hot lines are free. Callers do not have to pay for the advice or the phone calls. At some hot lines, the advisers are volunteers. Other hot lines pay their advisers for their work. Usually the advisers are full-time-job people with years of education and experience, but sometimes, the advisers have only taken a short class before starting to work on the hot line. All the advisers listen to people and help them solve their problems.

    1. (1) How did people get advice when they had problems in the past?
      A . They listened to the radio. B . They went to their families or friends. C . They watched TV programmes. D . They made telephone calls.
    2. (2) What is a telephone hot line?
      A . A hot telephone. B . A phone call to the listeners. C . A telephone line for people to get advice. D . A training class on the phone.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "anonymous" mean in Chinese in the passage?
      A . 匿名的 B . 虔诚的 C . 开放的 D . 免费的
    4. (4) According to the passage, how does a caller get in touch with the adviser working on the hot line?
      A . B . C . D .  
  • 6. 用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式完成短文(有一项多余)

    difference    only    be interested in    how    touch    much

        Do you often visit museums? Museums are often full of interesting and beautiful things, but in most museums you can look at the things; you can't them. This is not very interesting for most of us. People want to touch things. They want to use them and play with them. That is we learn about things. If we something, we learn about it more easily. But some museums are quite . For example, at the Boston Children's Museum,young people can use computers and other modern machines. They can also move and play games there. In this kind of museum, boys and girls feel very happy. They can learn a lot at the same time.

  • 27. 任务型阅读

        He cooks a 12 course meal that is worth (价值) $ 160. He has met Obarna and has been on many talk shows. On March 28, he appeared on the cover of The New York Tines.

        Flynn McGarry from Los Angeles is a well-known cook (厨师) in the US, Flynn started to cook at the age of 10 because he didn't like his mun's cooking. His mum was glad and. she encouraged him to do that. "After looking at many cookbooks and watching the videos of cooking online, I believe I can achieve that one day," said Flynn. Flynn began making a name for himself when John Sedlar, owner of a local restaurant, let Flynn make a special nine course meal for the guests. The meals quickly sold out. "Flynn is a very unusual young man, and he is very, very passionate (充满热情的)," Sedlar told The New York Times.

        Flynn has turned his room into a kitchen lab. His room is filled with different cooking tools and a worktable. Flynn often tests his food ideas there. Flynn has decided to open his own restaurant by the time he is 19 years old. "I want to have one of the best restaurants in the world," Flynn said. "It's a very high goal, but I can make it."

    1. (1) Why did Flynn McGarry want to cook at the age of 10?
    2. (2) How did Flynn's mother feel when he started to cook? 
    3. (3) What does the underlined phrase "making a name" probably mean in Chinese?   
    4. (4) Which sentence can describe Flynn?
    5. (5) What can be the best title for the passage?
  • 28. 假如你是李磊,你的美国笔友 Tom 对中国传统文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一封80词左右的电子邮件,介绍一或两个中国传统节日,如春节 (the Spring Festival)、中秋节 (the Mid-Autumn Festival) 等。

    要求: 1.所给词不计人总词数;

    Dear Tom,

        How are you? I'm really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals.

