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更新时间:2021-05-17 浏览次数:141 类型:中考模拟
一、短对话理解,你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1 分,满分 5 分)
二、长对话理解,你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is Mrs Miller going to grow in her garden this year?
      A . Vegetables. B . Flowers. C . Fruits.
    2. (2) What does Mrs Miller like?
      A . Making salads. B . Planting trees. C . Cooking dishes.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What subject does Mr. Brown teach?
      A . English. B . Physics. C . Maths.
    2. (2) Why are the speakers going to sing a song?
      A . To surprise others. B . To express thanks. C . To show themselves.
    3. (3) When is the party?
      A . Next Friday. B . Next Saturday. C . Next Sunday.
三、短文理解 (5分)
  • 8. 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个问题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
    1. (1) Who did Ivan go to Dublin with?
      A . His classmates. B . His family. C . His teacher.
    2. (2) How many children are there in the Irish family?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four.
    3. (3) What did Ivan think of his English?
      A . Excellent. B . OK. C . Terrible.
    4. (4) What did Ivan usually do in the afternoon?
      A . He did his homework. B . He learned modern art. C . He travelled around.
    5. (5) What were Ivan and Martin interested in?
      A . Playing soccer. B . Visiting museums. C . Watching films.
  • 9. 你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。

    My hobby — Rock climbing


    I've done it foryears.


    On my first day, I felt quite.

    It was, but very interesting.

    I kept onand now I can climb very fast.


    It's also a good way to know more.

五、单项选择(10 分)
六、完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)
  • 20. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

        I was not good with money when I was a child. Every week, I ate at 1and bought lots of clothes, which cost me lots of money. I wish I had been told more about saving2then. Now, I would like to share   three suggestions to help you 3the mistakes I made.

        First, start a money-saving 4early. By the time you are a school child, you should have got the habit   of brushing your teeth twice a day for years. You don't often 5this habit. When it comes to money, the power of habit is very important. The 6you get, the harder it can seem to start saving even one tenth of     your income (收入). But if you started saving money now as a child, saving one tenth or even more of your income wouldn't seem 7to you because it's just a habit.

        My second suggestion is to8your spending. It's a good idea to open two bank accounts (账户) for your money: one for money to be9and one for money to be saved. With these accounts, it will be easier to record your spending.

        My last suggestion is to use your Student ID 10. You can get many discounts (折扣) using your ID.

        It's simply a wise choice. Whenever you want to buy something, ask if there is a student discount.

    A . stations B . theatres C . restaurants D . yards
    A . paper B . energy C . time D . money
    A . increase B . avoid C . correct D . repeat
    A . skill B . habit C . tradition D . plan
    A . talk about B . keep on C . think about D . pass on
    A . braver B . older C . fatter D . wealthier
    A . lucky B . funny C . dangerous D . hard
    A . cancel B . doubt C . record D . explain
    A . spent B . raised C . changed D . hidden
    A . proudly B . wisely C . carefully D . quickly
  • 21. 完形填空

        In the past, working people in Britain only had holidays on Sundays, Christmas and Easter. Now most people have about four 1of holiday time every year besides public holidays.

        Most British workers take a two-week holiday in July or August. Schoolchildren are on 2from the end of July to the start of September. Taking a second holiday break in winter or spring is also becoming more 3in the UK. Many people choose it every year.

        The most popular holiday destinations (目的地) for British includee the4like Spain, France, Greece and the US. Lots of people5a package (包价) tour that includes flights and a hotel. Cheap flights to6countries mean that many British people are able to spend two weeks abroad. Flights and package holidays are much cheaper during school terms and the British government is7that some young people are asking for leave from school to go on holiday,8the government has passed a law to stop this. Parents who take their children on vacation9term time must now pay a fine.

        British people also like to go on holiday in the UK. They might 10England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales. In Cornwall, for example, there is an environmental project called the Eden Project. You can see plants from all over the world there.

    A . days B . weeks C . months D . seasons
    A . duty B . air C . holiday D . business
    A . valuable B . surprising C . expensive D . popular
    A . countries B . islands C . oceans D . planets
    A . forget B . continue C . buy D . refuse
    A . foreign B . ancient C . small D . common
    A . moved B . pleased C . excited D . worried
    A . but B . so C . or D . for
    A . before B . after C . during D . since
    A . leave B . choose C . build D . compare
  • 22. 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

    A. When did you learn how to do that?

    B. Thank you.

    C. I enjoy painting.

    D. Forget it.

    E. I'm sure you do.

    F. How long did you stay there?

    G. Yes, I loved that class.

    A: Tell me, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?


    A: You know how to paint?

    B: Of course! I' m good at it.


    B: I learned back in high school.

    A: Oh, so you took an art class?


    A: I see that you really have a gift in art.

    B:I also take an interest in it.

    A: I wish I had a gift like that.

    B:It' s just hidden.

八、阅读理解(共 20小题;每小题2 分,满分 40 分)
  • 23. 阅读理解

        A wild fire spread across California two years ago and an unusual friendship was developed because of it. It was between a cat and a chicken who stayed together to survive (幸存) the fire.

        The Grass Valley firefighters discovered the pair on their second day of cleaning up during the fire in a neighborhood.

        "The animals had survived the deadly fire finding comfort in each other at the door of a home," Mark Buttron, an officer from Grass Valley, said. Buttron shared a heartwarming picture of the pair staying together. The photo shows the cat was on the floor next to a water bowl and the chicken near a plate. The cat and chicken were both burned and needed treatment for their wounds. Firefighters quickly found water and called the Animal Home.

        Niko Kuyper, the owner of the chicken, didn't know what had happened until a neighbor saw his animal on the news and told him. Kuyper recognized (认出) the chicken and he was even more surprised to see his chicken was staying with Whiskers, another neighbor's cat.

        The animals' friendship provided hope to those hurt by the wild fire. "Everyone in our neighborhood lost their homes," Kuyper said. "It's nice to see something helpful and hopeful like this shining through."

    1. (1) The friendship was developed between the cat and the chicken because of a (an)           .
      A . firefighter B . wild fire C . photo D . animal home
    2. (2) Both the cat and chicken       .
      A . liked taking pictures B . stayed in a water bowl C . were burned and hurt D . were found by their owners
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "this" refer to?
      A . The home the animals stayed in. B . The wild fire spread across California. C . The great thing the firefighters did. D . The friendship between the two animals.
  • 24. 阅读理解

        Graham Moore is the best-selling writer of The Sherlockian and the TV play The Imitation Game. His new book The Last Days of Night is out now. He is talking about some of his favorite books.

    Murder in Three Acts    by Agatha Christie

    My mother is a crime fiction ( 侦探小说) lover and, when I was having trouble learning to read, we'd sit in my bed at home in Chicago and take it in turns to read a passage. It was the first book I read cover-to-cover and I later became a writer because of that experience.

    Cryptonomicon    by Neal Stephenson

    This book showed me that historical novels need not be dry, but can be lively and enjoyable. Stephenson asks readers to take science seriously, but writes the story in a funny way. I have long known of Alan Turing, but Stephenson's skill of describing him was surprising.

    A Visit from the Goon Squad    by Jennifer Egan

    Egan uses a writing method that I drew on when writing The Imitation Game. She tells short stories from different voices and times, and uses many ways that say to readers, “I've done a lot of work,” says Egan. “But now you have to join in and work it out for yourselves.”

        "With my latest book, my greatest hope is that readers will want to get other people discussing the book. I've just started the conversation," says Graham Moore.

    1. (1) Which of the following is Graham Moore's latest book?
      A . The Sherlockian    B . The Last Days of Night C . Cryptonomicon    D . A Visit from the Goon Squad
    2. (2) What is Neal Stephenson good at writing according to the text?
      A . Historical novels. B . Short stories. C . Crime fictions. D . TV plays.
    3. (3) Graham Moore shared his favorite books to            .
      A . find a new method of writing B . tell stories from a different voice C . ask readers to take science seriously D . encourage readers to discuss his book
  • 25. 阅读理解

        What do you usually do with your pocket money? Hunter Mitchell, an eleven-year-old boy in South Africa, has used his to save a rhino (犀牛).

        On Christmas Day 2015, Mitchell heard about Osita, a baby rhino. It had been left behind by its mother.

        Without help, it would soon die. Mitchell wanted to save the poor animal.

        The boy used his pocket money to send Osita to an animal park in South Africa. Later, he raised $7,000 for the rhino. Mitchell visits Osita every weekend, playing with it and preparing its food. With good care, the rhino has been growing up happily and healthily. It now weighs 600 kilograms (千克).

        Mitchell then moved on to saving more rhinos. Over the years, the boy has learned more about wild animals. Every year, many animals are caught and killed. Mitchell wants to stop this. He has spoken to 10,000 children around the world. He hopes more people will take action to save wild animals.

        "Keeping wild animals safe needs many brave people. I will always be one of them," Mitchell said. "I am only 11 years old. My journey has just begun."

    1. (1) What does Mitchell do for Osita every weekend?
      A . He raises money. B . He loses weight. C . He looks for its mother. D . He prepares food.
    2. (2) What is Mitchell's journey according to the last paragraph?
      A . Raising a rhino. B . Travelling around the world. C . Saving wild animals. D . Setting up more animal parks.
    3. (3) Which of the following best describes Mitchell?
      A . Kind and brave. B . Clever but careless. C . Patient but silly. D . Friendly and humorous.
  • 26. 阅读理解

        What happens to a wooden pencil after you wear it down to a stub (铅笔头)? It usually gets thrown away directly. Every year, 15 billion wooden pencils are made. That means a lot of pencil stubs are thrown away.

        Sprout World, a company in Denmark, wants to cut down on this waste. It makes pencils that can grow into vegetables or houseplants. "A dying product is now giving life to a new product," says Michael Stausholm, the boss of the company.

        Sprout World's pencils have a tiny box with them. The box is filled with seeds (种子). After you wear down the pencil, you plant the stub in the field. In a few weeks, the box will disappear and the seeds will grow into plants.

        Stausholm developed this product in 2012 with a group of university students. At first, he sold his pencils only in Denmark, his home country. To his surprise, in just a few months, 70,000 pencils were sold. By 2014, Stausholm had sold a million pencils across Europe. Sprout World now sells about 450,000 pencils every month.

        Now Stausholm is developing some new products, such as "plantable" greeting cards. "We know we can't save the planet just with our products," he says. "But at least, we can encourage people to look for reusable products to create less waste."

    1. (1) The Denmark company Sprout World wants to     .
      A . grow more houseplants B . cut down on the waste of stubs C . produce 15 billion pencils D . sell new kinds of vegetables
    2. (2) The tiny boxes on the pencils     .
      A . are filled with stubs B . will grow into plants C . are used to carry seeds D . will disappear in years
    3. (3) The purpose of the fourth paragraph is to     .
      A . introduce a new product to us B . show how popular the special pencil is C . tell how Sprout World has developed D . explain why Stausholm founded a company
    4. (4) Where can we probably read the text?
      A . In a health report. B . In a school notice. C . In a tourist guidebook. D . In a student magazine.
  • 27. 阅读理解

        When he was only five years old, Jonah Larson started his "lifelong" hobby.

        One day, Larson's aunt bought some knitting (编织) tools. The boy saw them and asked what they were used for. His aunt told him they were used to knit. Larson went online and taught himself to knit. "An hour later, he knitted a sock," Larson's mother remembers that clearly. Larson quickly fell in love with knitting. He even learned some difficult knitting skills. Now 11, the boy has had his own business, Jonah's Hands. Knitting has also made him a social media (媒体) star.

        But Larson doesn't knit for becoming famous. Instead, he knits to help others. Larson met his new parents as an orphan because his first parents all died when he was three months old. For him, giving back to the community is important. He always gives his goods away. Recently, the boy gave away $400 to the homeless children.

        "Orphan care is close to my heart," Larson says. "Not everyone will meet a loving family again. I really want to help the orphans." Larson is now ready to make his first book come out. The book teaches people how to knit.   It also calls on people to give back to their communities.

    1. (1) Who taught Larson knitting?
      A . His aunt. B . His mother. C . He himself. D . A social media.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "orphan" in the third paragraph probably mean in Chinese?
      A . 神童 B . 学徒 C . 模特 D . 孤儿
    3. (3) After reading Larson's new book, people may     .
      A . buy some socks from him B . set up a loving family C . do something good for others D . start their own business
    4. (4) What does the text mainly talk about?
      A . A boy's book on knitting. B . A boy's “lifelong” hobby. C . What to do for the homeless. D . How to improve knitting skills.
  • 28. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。

        Luke Mickelson was a high school football coach. He coached his kids' sports teams. But when he met children who were sleeping on the floor, he decided to build and offer a bed to children in need.

        "This little girl had a nest (窝) of clothes; it looked like a little bird's nest. And that's what her bed was."

        Mickelson said. "When we gave her the bed, she hugged it and just couldn't let go."

        Surprised to discover how widespread this need was in his community, Mickelson founded Sleep in Heavenly Peace in 2012, an organization (组织) that builds and offers beds to children in need. The organization has offered more than 1,500 free beds. But along with its rapid growth, Mickelson was faced with a hard choice: keeping his job or his organization. He chose to leave his high-paying job and ran his organization.

        "I left my job of eighteen years because I wanted to do this full-time, because I knew the need was big. I found the need I have isn't about money," he said. "The need I have is seeing the happiness on kids' faces and making a difference."

    1. (1) When did Mickelson decide to build and offer a bed to children in need? (不超过 10 个词)
    2. (2) What did Mickelson finally choose to do? (不超过 15 个词)
    3. (3) What need does Mickelson have? (不超过 15 个词)
九、单词拼写,根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。(共5 分)
十、书面表达(共1小题;满分 20 分)
  • 34. 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友 Mike 来信询问你将如何有意义地度过疫情防控下的暑假。请你根据以下要点写一封回信。



    3)读书锻炼,健康身心; 4)……

    提示词:新冠肺炎 COVID – 19


    1)词数 80~100;




    Dear Mike,

        I'm writing to tell you how I will spend the coming special summer holiday.

        May both of us can spend the holiday happily and safely.



    Li Hua

