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浙江外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 6 Unit 2 ...

更新时间:2020-08-20 浏览次数:121 类型:同步测试
  • 26. 完形填空

        Dogs are people's friends. They will do anything their masters(主人) ask them to do and they do their duty very well.

        Curly is my black dog. He is big and strong. He is strong enough to carry me on his1.He likes running and playing with me. He likes to 2my father around in the fields, too. One day my father took off his coat, put it on the ground 3 a big tree and said to Curly, " 4 my coat."

        Curly sat down on the coat. Then my father remembered he had to5dinner for the family.6he went home and forgot all about his coat and the dog.

        Late in the evening I7my dog and looked for him everywhere in the yard. I called, "Curly, Curly!" But Curly did not answer.

        Soon my father wanted something in his coat pocket(口袋) .Suddenly he remembered8he had done. Quickly he went back to the big tree. What do you think he saw? Curly was9sitting on the coat!He was afraid someone would take it 10.

    A . hand B . back C . foot D . leg
    A . follow B . put C . go D . run
    A . for B . under C . to D . from
    A . Look B . Listen C . Watch D . Hear
    A . fix B . discover C . cook D . tell
    A . Because B . So C . Though D . Or
    A . hoped B . rode C . missed D . saw
    A . that B . what C . if D . who
    A . always B . often C . still D . usually
    A . away B . in C . down D . for

