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牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语九年级下册Module 3 Un...

更新时间:2021-04-01 浏览次数:42 类型:同步测试
  • 6. 根据首字母或所给词的适当形式填空,使短文语意通顺。

        We can't remember (clear) since when we started to take our mobile phones to a dinner table. This happens a lot, especially when we eat out. Once d come, we take out our mobile phones and take photos i of lifting our chopsticks. Later, we post the photos onto Webo or Wechat, (wait) to be "liked". Then we checked our mobile phones from time to time during the meal, to see w we get "liked" or not. We just cannot leave our mobile phones for simply a meal.

        Does that sound familiar to you? Do you do that often? If not, how do you feel when others do that when having dinner with you?

        A recent study (suggest) that what we are used to doing is not that good. Spending time taking photos of food makes the food less pleasant. So, w not stop taking photos and just enjoy the food ahead of you?

        Besides the (science) result, there are also some other bad influences of taking photos of food before meals. After posting the photos onto the Internet, one will be unable to control himself and check his mobile phone many times. "Does everyone accept my photos? I hope a lot of people like them!" It seems like your mobile phone secretly class your name all the time, even when you are w real people.

        So, next time you go out to have dinner, how about not taking photos of food? Let the food be delicious as it is and share your life with others. Trust me, and it will be a (wonder) time.

  • 7. 根据下面短文,在空白处选出正确选项。

    Dear Li Ming,

        I am happy to hear that you would like to become an architect(建筑师)! Your aunt tells me that you are a good student and a hard worker, so I 1 know that you'll be able to realize whatever you put your mind to.

        You have 2 a difficult but great job. Architecture is unusual because it is a mixture of both art and science. You need to be 3 to think of new and interesting designs(设计). You also need to be good at math and science so that you can translate your creative ideas into buildings that are safe and 4. Even language is important to an architect. You need to be able to express your ideas 5 so that other people can understand them.

        Think about all the different kinds of 6 people need: houses, apartments, schools, office buildings, grocery stores, churches, malls, hotels, factories, gyms, airports, hospitals. Architects think up the 7 way to build each building so that it is interesting to look at, safe, and easy to use.

        First, the architect usually creates a proposal(提案) that shows the customer his or her idea for the building. 8 the customer likes it, then the architect keeps working. He or she 9 a plan that shows all the details of how the building will be constructed(建造). The architect does not actually build the structure. But questions often come up during the construction, 10 the architect always needs to be found easily.

        11 the idea in my mind becomes a real building is my favorite. That is always12for me!

        Please let me know if you have any other questions. You are also welcome to visit me anytime.

    Uncle Wang

    A . ever B . never C . hardly D . already
    A . found B . chosen C . accepted D . completed
    A . active B . educated C . creative D . talented
    A . hopeful B . traditional C . useful D . expensive
    A . clearly B . widely C . politely D . kindly
    A . houses B . schools C . buildings D . churches
    A . newest B . best C . dearest D . cheapest
    A . If B . When C . Before D . After
    A . starts with B . deals with C . gets on with D . comes up with
    A . so B . but C . and D . or
    A . Seeing B . Knowing C . Expecting D . Hearing
    A . boring B . exciting C . moving D . tiring
  • 8. 阅读短文,完成以下小题。

        There was a player named Jerry in the soccer team; his father died. Returning from the funeral(葬礼), an important match was going to begin. He found the coach at once, asking to attend the match. Jerry was not good at the skill, so the coach should not allow him to attend the match. But now, as he relented, he agreed to let Jerry play for three minutes. When the time was up, Jerry would be changed by others.

        On the court, Jerry played very well. Three minutes passed. The coach made Jerry keep staying on the court. Jerry played an important role, leading the team to win the match.

        The coach said excitedly, "Kid,you have never been so fast, so strong and so skilled. What happened."

        Jerry said, "My father is blind, so he has never watched my match. Now, he has gone to the heaven(天堂)and finally can watch my match. As soon as I think of my father watching me, I have everything……"

        The coach understood: Love can drive everything!

    1. (1) Why didn't the coach want Jerry to attend the match at first?
      A . Because his father died. B . Because he wasn't interested in the match. C . Because he wasn't good at the skill. D . Because he was a bad boy.
    2. (2) How long did the coach agree to let Jerry play?
      A . For 3 minutes. B . For 5 minutes. C . For 10 minutes. D . For 15 minutes.
    3. (3) Who made Jerry keep staying on the court?
      A . His coach. B . His father. C . His friend. D . His teacher.
    4. (4) Jerry felt that he had everything because of _______.
      A . his coach's words B . other players' help C . his friends' support D . his father's love
    5. (5) What's the best title of the passage?
      A . A Soccer Team B . Three Minutes' Match C . A Clever Boy D . Jerry's Idea

