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北师大版高中英语高二上册模块6 Unit 16单元练习

更新时间:2020-06-11 浏览次数:115 类型:单元试卷
  • 31. 词汇辨析。用方框里所给的词汇的适当形式填空。

    occur    happen    take place    break out

    1. (1) He to be out when I went to see him.
    2. (2) Everybody was alarmed at the news that war might.
    3. (3) Great changes in my hometown in the last 25 years.
    4. (4) It to me that Mr. Li knew him very well.
  • 32. 用方框里所给的词汇的适当形式填空。

    in particular    come across    block up    end up    refer to    figure out

    name after    hold up    put up with    split up    knock over    count on

    1. (1) If you don't slow down, you'll in hospital.
    2. (2) I can't your rudeness any more; nor do I want to see you again.
    3. (3) She loves the song, because her mother used to sing it.
    4. (4) I my hand to show that I had a question.
    5. (5) I this book in an old bookstore in London when travelling abroad.
    6. (6) When I said some people are stupid I wasn't you.
    7. (7) After a broken promise, it is hard for people to you.
    8. (8) A boy was by a passing car but fortunately he was not hurt severely.
    9. (9) We can't why quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out.
    10. (10) We were into groups to discuss the question.
    11. (11) He pulled down the shades, the bright sunlight.
    12. (12) The aircraft carrier was a famous general according to history books.
  • 33. 语法填空。

        Stories from History

        Around the end of the first century AD,a Roman writer  (call) Pliny wrote about a terrible volcanic eruption that he  (witness)as a young man. The eruption had occurred on August 24th, 79 AD. The tragedy left  deep impression on Pliny  had lost an uncle in the eruption. However,more than 1,600 years later,some scientists found the lost towns that  (bury) under the ashes of Mount Vesuvius. Pompeii is like a "time capsule" preserving a frozen moment in history.   the eruption occurred,   had been a booming Roman city with temples,markets,restaurants and theatres. Today you can visit these buildings by walking along the  (origin) streets of the city. And  (many) than 250 years since excavations started,thousands of tourists and hundreds of scientists visit Pompeii every year  (learn) more about the ancient world.

  • 46. 假定你是李华,你所喜爱的校英语选修课——英语电影欣赏(English Film Appreciation)向同学们征集意见。请你依据以下内容用英文给你校英语教研组写一封信,内容主要包括:






    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I'm Li Hua,one of the students who attended the course English Film Appreciation last term.                        

    Sincerely yours,

    Li Hua

