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更新时间:2017-12-28 浏览次数:365 类型:期中考试
  • 11. 听第11段材料,回答问题。

    1. (1) Who are talking on the phone?         

      A . Tom and Jack. B . Jack and Mrs Brown. C . Tom and Mrs Brown.
    2. (2) What are Tom and his friends going to do this Sunday morning?          

      A . Plant trees. B . Have a party. C . See a film.
  • 12. 听第一篇短文,回答小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。

    A Day Out

    When and where to go

    They will go to Sunshine Park    ⑴    .

    How to go

    They will go there by    ⑵    .

    What to do

    They will     ⑶    in the morning and boat in the lake in the afternoon.

    They will have a picnic in the park.

    1. (1) They will go to Sunshine Park        .

      A . this Sunday B . next Sunday C . next Saturday
    2. (2) They will go there by        .

      A . bike B . bus C . car
    3. (3) They will         in the morning and boat in the lake in the afternoon.

      A . go swimming B . play volleyball C . fly kites
  • 13. 听第二篇短文,回答小题。

    1. (1) What does Mrs. King like?         

      A . Cats only. B . Birds only. C . Cats and dogs.
    2. (2) Why do the Kings go to a restaurant?      

      A . Because they are hungry. B . Because they want to show their lovely dog to the waiter. C . Because they want their dog to play there.
    3. (3) What does the waiter think Mrs. King want to do?      

      A . She wants something to eat.  B . She wants him to give her dog something to eat. C . She wants to eat the dog.
    4. (4) Which of these sentences is TRUE?      

      A . The waiter cooks the dog because he hates dogs very much. B . Mrs. King loves dogs.           C . Mrs. King likes to eat dog meat.
    5. (5) What does Mrs. King want to do with (对待) the little dog?      

      A . She wants to take it to London.    B . She wants to eat it. C . She wants the waiter to cook it.
  • 14. 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项,并将该选项填入相应的空格内。

     A. anyone       B. palace       C. flat            D. lamp

    A. message       B. better        C. zero       D. get

    A. king B. trip C. invite  D. fridge

    A. notice B. nothing C. video  D. over

    A. community   B. volunteer      C. future     D. menu

    A. walk B. also C. talk   D. chalk

    A. beach  B. east C. wheat  D. treasure

    A. bamboo     B. foot        C. soon      D. boo

    A. double B. enough  C. thousand   D. country

    A. theatre B. bathroom C. thanks  D. theirs

  • 30. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
        As soon as he finished his homework,Eric jumped onto his bicycle and rode off in the direction of the beach. While he was 1  along.He thought about the whales(鲸鱼). He hoped he would see them again today.After he got to the beach.Eric hid his bicycle behind a bush so that no one could see it from the road.Then he ran down onto the sand. Although it was only four in the afternoon,the sky was already growing dark. Eric frowned(皱眉).If it 2 he wouldn't be able to see the whales because 3 would stay in deeper water.He hurried along the beach 4 the rocks.They were the best place to watch the whales from because of their height.Before Eric got to the rocks he felt a drop of water on his head."Oh no!" he thought. "Now the whales will stay in the deep 5and I won't be able to 6 them!" But just then he saw a large shape on the beach.  It was a young whale! The whale had come too close to the shore(海岸)and got stuck(搁浅)on the 7 ! At first the whale didn't move at all and Eric thought it was8 .Then he saw its tail move 9.Eric turned and ran through the rain as fast as he could back to his bicycle.He had to get 10!  Unless they got the whale back in the water soon,it would die and Eric couldn't let that happen.
    A . riding B . running C . getting D . walking
    A . shone B . snowed C . rained D . blew
    A . them B . it C . they D . themselves
    A . into B . off C . to D . From
    A . lake B . river C . water D . forest
    A . watch B . kill C . catch D . save
    A . soil B . beach C . grass D . water
    A . dead B . pretty C . lovely    D . alive
    A . strongly B . strong C . weak      D . weakly
    A . care B . water C . medicine D . help
  • 31. 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        In Britain, children go to school from Monday to Friday. School usually starts nine o'clock in the morning and finishes at about three o'clock in the afternoon. Most schools ask their students to wear a school uniform.

    School always starts with registration. What is registration? Every child going to school each morning and afternoon is recorded(记录) in a special book. The teacher reads out each child's name in turn. On hearing his/her name, the child makes a reply(回复) and the teacher writes in the book. From the book, you can see whether(是否) the child is in school or not.

        At 9:10, children go to the meeting place. There they sing songs, listen to a story and pray(祈祷).

        The first lesson begins at 9:20. They have break time from 10:20 to 10:35. During break time, the children have a snack and play games outdoors. After that, they go back in for another lesson until lunch at 12:00. Afternoon lessons begin at 1:10 and end at 3:15, and children go home. They don't have a break in the afternoon.

    1. (1) How much time does a British student usually spend at school in a week?
      A . Around 20 hours. B . Over 40 hours. C . About 30 hours. D . Only 6 hours.
    2. (2) The following things take place in British schools each morning. Which do you think is the right order(顺序)?

      ① Teachers call over the children's names.

      ② Teachers write something in the book.

      ③ Children answer "Here".

      A . ①②③ B . ①③② C . ②①③ D . ③①②
    3. (3) When do the children have a snack?
      A . Before they go to school. B . After they have afternoon lessons. C . When they finish their outdoor games. D . At about half past ten in the morning.
    4. (4) Which of the following is true?
      A . In Britain, most students live at school at night. B . Students in Britain mustn't call their teacher's names. C . Students in Britain go to school before nine every morning. D . Students in Britain have a long break between the afternoon lessons.
  • 32. 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Are you carrying too much on your back at school? I'm sure lots of children of your age will, say "Yes". Not only the students in China have this problem, but children in the United States also have heavy school bags.

        Doctors are starting to worry that younger and younger students are having back and neck problems as a result of schools bags being too heavy for them.

        "It's hard for me to go upstairs with my bag because it's so heavy, "said Rick Hammond, an 11-year-old student in the US.

        Rick is among students who have common school bags with two straps(带子) to carry them, but many other students choose rolling(有滚轮的)bags.

        But even with rolling bags, getting up stairs and buses is still a problem for children. Many of them have hurt their backs and necks because of the heavy school bags.

        But how much is too much? Doctors say students should carry no more than 10% to 15% of their own body weight(重量).

        Scott Bautch, a back doctor, said children under Grade 4 should stay with 10 % . But it is also important that older children don't stay with over 15 %, because their bodies are still growing. "Children are losing their balance(平衡) and falling down with their school bags, "he said.

        Parents and teachers are starting to tell children to only take home library books they will be reading that night. Some teachers are using pieces of paper or thin workbooks for students to take home.

        One of the best answers is, as some children said, to have no homework at all!

    1. (1) From the passage we can know that       .
      A . only children in China carry too heavy school bags B . children in other countries don't carry too heavy bags C . both children in China and the US carry too heavy school bags D . only children in the US carry too heavy school bags
    2. (2) Children feel it hard for them to go upstairs because ____________.
      A . they are too young B . their school bags are too heavy C . they don't know how to go upstairs D . their parents don't always go upstairs with them together
    3. (3) According to the doctor, Scott Bautch, if a child in Grade 5 weighs(重)

       about 30 kilos, the school bag he carries should not be over       

      A . 5 kilos B . 3 kilos C . 5. 5 kilos D . 4.5 kilos
  • 33. 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        John was a very strong man. Once he got a job of cutting wood in a forest. His boss gave him an axe(斧子) and showed him the area where he should work.

        The first day, John cut down 18 trees. "Good," the boss said, "keep it up!" John was encouraged by the words of the boss and tried harder the next day, but he could only cut down 15 trees. The third day he tried even harder, but he could only cut down 10 trees. Day after day he was cutting down fewer and fewer trees.

        "I must be losing my strength," John thought. He went to the boss and said that he could not understand what was going on. "When was the last time you had sharpened(使锋利) your axe?" the boss asked. "Sharpened? I had no time to do it. I have been very busy trying to cut more trees." said John.

        The moral of this story: While John was working hard, he didn't think about how to do his job better.

    1. (1) John was cutting down fewer and fewer trees. He thought_______.       
      A . he needed to sharpen his axe B . the boss should help him C . it was wrong to cut down trees D . he must be losing his strength
    2. (2) What's the meaning of the underlined word "it"?       
      A . The job to cut down trees. B . The way to do the job. C . The work to sharpen the axe. D . The time to have a rest.
    3. (3) What can we learn from the story?       
      A . It is wrong to cut down trees. B . Hard work is the only key to success. C . It's important to take time to sharpen our skills. D . It's a waste of time to sharpen the axe.
  • 34. (A)根据句意和中文注释,在相应的横线上,写出所给单词的正确形式。
    1. (1) The Eiffel Tower is (相当) tall, it is more than 300meters tall.
    2. (2) Is the mobile phone one of the (经理)?
    3. (3) There is a lot of (交通) on the road.
    4. (4) The Greens (准备) food and drinks for the picnic yesterday.
  • 35. (B)根据句意,在相应的横线上,写出所给单词的适当形式
    1. (1) We are happy to celebrate my grandpa's (99) birthday party..  
    2. (2) He was very (surprise) to see the lovely cat with three legs.
    3. (3) You can see beautiful tress and flowers (cross) the bridge.
    4. (4) The engineer checked the computer (care).
  • 36. 根据括号内的要求改写句子。每格限填一词。
    1. (1) The Yangzi River is 6359 kilometers.(对划线部分提问)

               the Yangzi River?

    2. (2) Hurry up, or you will miss the early bus. (同义句转换)

      If you     , you will miss the early bus.

    3. (3) They visited the Art Museum the day before yesterday. (同义句转换)

              they  the day before yesterday?

  • 37. 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。每空限填一词。
    1. (1) 他们昨天花半小时乘火车去市里。

      It them half an hour the train to the city yesterday.

    2. (2) 在万达广场有大量的东西可以买。

      There are in Wanda Square.

    3. (3) 社区中心挤满了志愿者,他们将相互分享各自的一技之长。

      The community center volunteers and they are ready   their skills each other.

    4. (4) 在奇妙世界博物馆,我们了解很多令人惊讶的事实。

      We    in the Fun World Museum.

  • 38. 根据对话内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整。

    A: Excuse me, can you tell me w is the way to the police s?

    B: Yes. First, walk son. Then when you go to the street c, turn right into Garden Street walk two h metres and take the first t on the left, you'll see it on your right.

    A: Sorry. I can't rit. Could you say it again?

    B: OK. you can take the bus there. F me. I'll take you t the bus stop.

    A: Thank you very much!

    B: You're w.

  • 39. 请以"My hometown"为题,写一篇短文,要点如下:







    1). 短文须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;

    2). 第5要点请用1-2句话自由发挥,词数80个左右。

