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更新时间:2020-01-03 浏览次数:271 类型:期中考试
二、读一读,根据图片、句子和字母提示补全对应的单词。 (5分)
三、读一读,选择与划线单词相同类别的选项:。(10 分)
  • 22. 读一读,根据句子和图片选词填空。

    keys  glasses  shoes  hair door  girl  maths  wall  storybook  schoolbag

    1. (1) Let's clean the.

    2. (2) I have two .

    3. (3) Show me your .

    4. (4) My sister has .

    5. (5) His are brown.

    6. (6) The is on the desk.

    7. (7) The has long black .

    8. (8) I have three books.

    9. (9) The picture is on the .

  • 23. 读一读,根据图片提示选择正确的句子。

    A. She's quiet. She has big eyes. She has a red hat.

    B. My grandpa has a big nose. He has glasses.

    C. My friend Li Tong is friendly. He has a small nose and small eyes.

    D. Close the window, please.

    E. Put your book in your desk, please.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
七、读一读,选出合适的答语。 (10分)
  • 24. 读一读,选出合适的答语。

    ⑴Let's clean the classroom!              A. We have 6.

    ⑵How many books do you have?      B. Three Chinese books.

    ⑶What's in your bag?                         C. Great!

    ⑷What's her name?                             D. No, he's Sam.

    ⑸Is he Mike?                                         E. She is Amy.

  • 25. 读一读,给句子排序,使其成为—段完整的对话。

    Let's go and see!

    Really? What's in the classroom?

    Wow, so big!

    Hey, Sarah. We have a new classroom.

    Look! My picture is near the window.

  • 26. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

        Hello! I'm Lin Qiang. I'm eleven. I'm tall and thin. I have a friend. His name is Zhao Qing. He's eleven, too. He's not tall, but he's very strong. He has small eyes and a big nose. His hair is short and black. He has a new schoolbag. It's brown. In the schoolbag, he has a pencil box and many books— two English books, a maths book, a Chinese book, two notebooks and six storybooks.

    1. (1) Zhao Qing is _____.
      A . tall B . thin C . strong
    2. (2) Zhao Qing has a nose. It is _____.
      A . small B . big C . short
    3. (3) Zhao Oing has a new schoolbag. What colour is it?
      A . Brown B . Black. C . Blue.
    4. (4) Zhao Oing has_____ storybooks in his schoolbag.
      A . two B . four C . six
    5. (5) Zhao Oing has______ books in his schoolbag.
      A . fourteen B . thirteen C . twelve

