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陕旅版小学英语六年级上册Unit 5 Part A同步练习

更新时间:2019-10-08 浏览次数:213 类型:同步测试
  • 12. 给下列句子排列正确的顺序

    I was at the zoo with my parents.

    Yes, there were some new animals.

    Where were you yesterday?

    Really? I'll go to see them this weekend.

    Were there any animals at the zoo?

  • 13. 如果你想说“你必须步行去学校”,应该这样说:
    A . Shall I walk to school? B . You have to walk to school. C . Let's walk to school.
  • 14. 如果你想说“这是个雨天”,应该这样说:
    A . It's a rainy day. B . It's a rain day. C . It's a rainings day.
  • 15. 当你想问“你五年前是否在这所学校”时,应该这样问:
    A . Are you at this school five years ago? B . Do you at this school five years ago? C . Were you at this school five years ago?
  • 16. 当你想问“你喜欢围巾还是手套”时,应该这样问:
    A . Do you like scarf or gloves? B . Are you like scarf and gloves? C . Do you like scarf or jackets?

