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更新时间:2019-08-29 浏览次数:346 类型:同步测试
  • 12. 选词填空。

    How      Where       What       When​

    1. (1)  are you going to do after school?

      ​— I'm going to see a film.

    2. (2) — are you going this evening?  

      — I'm going to the cinema.

    3. (3) —  are you going?

      — I'm going at 4 o'clock.

    4. (4) — do you go to school?

      — I go to school by bus.

  • 13. 补全对话。(其中有两项是多余选项)

    A. Where do you often go in the afternoon?

    B. Can I go with you?

    C. You are welcome.

    D. Where are you going this afternoon?

    E. Is it far from here?

    F. You can take the No.6 bus.

    G. About two o'clock this afternoon.


    B: I am going to the zoo.

    A: When are you going?

    B: But how can I get there?


    B: Where is the bus stop?

    A: It's next to the post office.


    A: No, it is not far.

    B: Thank you.


  • 14. 连词成句。

    1. (1) space, film, we, to, a, about, travel, going, are, see (!)

    2. (2) your, are, lesson, do, what, you, to, going, in (?)

    3. (3) a, will, my, tell, Chang'e, grandma, about, us, story (.)

  • 15. 根据短文内容,判断文后句子的正误。

          My name is Amy. Tomorrow is Saturday. We have no classes. My parents aren't going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. I'm going to the bookstore by bus. Then I'm going to buy a dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visit my grandparents and have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.

    1. (1) Amy's mother is going to buy something for next week.

    2. (2) Amy's father is going to visit his grandparents in the morning.

    3. (3) Amy is going to play computer games with his sister.

    4. (4) Tomorrow evening Amy is going to watch TV.

    5. (5) Tomorrow evening they are going to the cinema.

