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更新时间:2019-08-28 浏览次数:234 类型:同步测试
  • 6. 选出不同类别的单词。

     A. maths          B. English         C. often

     A. short            B. today          C. tomorrow

     A. read books       B.sometimes      C. play football

     A. Monday          B. Sunday        C.PE

     A. watch            B. tired          C. wash

  • 17. 交际配对。

    ①What day is it today?                          A. I wash my clothes.

    ②Who's the old man?                             B. It's Sunday.

    ③What do you do on the weekends?     C. He is my music teacher.

    ④Do you often play sports?                     D. I have English, maths and PE.

    ⑤What do you have on Tuesday?             E. No, I don't.    

  • 18. 连词成句。

    1. (1) you, do, wash, on, clothes, weekend,often, the (?)

    2. (2) do, what, on, you, weekend, do, the (?)

    3. (3) often, I, play, Sundays, ping-pong,on (.) 

    4. (4) should, play, you, every, sports, day(.)

    5. (5) homework, read, do, often, I, books,and (.)

  • 19. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        Hello, I'm Oliver. I study in Hope School. I have Chinese and English every day. I don't have maths on Fridays. But I have music on Fridays. I love music. Our music teacher is old and funny. I have art on Mondays and Wednesdays. On Thursdays, I have the computer class. I have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    1. (1) Oliver has Chinese every day.
    2. (2) Oliver doesn't have maths on Fridays.
    3. (3) Oliver likes the computer class very much.
    4. (4) Oliver doesn't have PE on Wednesdays.
    5. (5) Oliver has English, Chinese and art on Wednesdays.

