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更新时间:2019-08-28 浏览次数:368 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 选出不同类别的单词。

     A. young        B. girl         C. old

     A. English        B. maths       C. kind

     A. strict          B. Miss        C. Mr.

     A. funny          B. young       C. Chinese

     A. music          B. old          C. kind

  • 10. 根据中文提示填写所缺单词。

    1. (1) My grandpa is 98. He is o(年老的).

    2. (2) The man is very f(有意思的).

    3. (3) The teacher is old but the students are y(年轻的).

    4. (4) My father is very s(严厉的) to us.

    5. (5) Our English teacher is very k(和蔼的).

  • 15. 给下列句子选择正确的应答语。

    A. Yes, she is.     B. No, I don't.

    C. Mr Young.     D. Yes, he is.

    1. (1) Is Mr Young funny?
    2. (2) Do you know Mr Young?
    3. (3) Who's your music teacher?
    4. (4) Is your mother tall?
  • 16. 阅读理解

        Hello, I'm Tom. I go to a new school in Xi'­an. I have Chinese, maths, English, music, art and PE at school. I like Chinese. My Chinese teacher is Ms. Li. She is young and kind. My PE teacher is tall and strong. He is a good basketball player. Mr. Chen is my maths teacher. He is funny. My English teacher is Ms. Wang. She is not young and she is very strict, but sometimes she is very nice. I like my new teachers and I like my new school.

    1. (1) Tom is talking about his ________.
      A . mother and father B . new teachers C . classmates
    2. (2) ________ is Tom's PE teacher.
      A . B . C .
    3. (3) ________ is old.
      A . Tom's English teacher B . Mr. Wang C . Ms. Li
    4. (4) Ms. Li is Tom's teacher. She is and .

