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更新时间:2019-05-08 浏览次数:524 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) How does the girl feel now?
      A . bored B . tired C . sad.
    2. (2) What does she need to do?
      A . She needs to do some sports. B . She needs to eat something. C . She needs to have a rest.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What are David and Kitty talking about?
      A . food B . The twins C . seasons
    2. (2) Which sport does Kitty like ?
      A . swimming B . skating C . running
    3. (3) Who likes spring best?
      A . The twins B . Kitty C . David
  • 8. 听独白,完成信息记录表

    Advice on learning 1


     Read the text book  2 the class.


     Listen to the teacher carefully . It's the 3 point .


     Read your notes before you 4.


     Write your mistakes in the 5.

    A . Chinese B . English C . Maths
    A . before B . on C . after
    A . easy B . excellent C . key
    A . go to school B . go home   C . do your homework
    A . notebook B . text C . blackboard
  • 9. To prepare for ____ trip to LA, Betty is making ____ list of things to take along.
    A . the ; the B . / ; a C . the ; a D . a ; /
  • 10. Air pollution will remain a problem for a long time, _____ we have done a lot to solve it.
    A . though B . since C . unless D . if
  • 11. —Who do you think sings _____?

    —Karen, she's got the first place among the top ten singers.

    A . beautifully B . beautiful C . most beautifully D . more beautiful
  • 12. He is a _____ person, but he is good at telling jokes.
    A . serious B . peaceful C . quiet D . shy
  • 13. —Paul, where were you when I came over to your house last night?

    — I wasn't in. I _____ a movie in the cinema with my family.

    A . watched B . watch C . was watching D . will watch
  • 14. —Why not buy a second-hand car first if you don't have enough money?

    —That's a good _______.

    A . question B . advice C . service D . suggestion
  • 15. —It is said that people in some areas die each year from a shortage of water or ______ polluted water.

    —Sorry to hear that. So let's do everything we can _____ the pollution and save water.

    A . drink; stop B . drink; stopping C . drinking; to stop D . drinking; to stopping
  • 16. ______ the help of The New Silk Railroad(新丝绸之路), a magic railway connecting China to cities across Europe, products can reach London by train ______ just half a month.
    A . Under; in B . Because; after C . With; in D . For; during
  • 17. They are now living in different countries, but they still talk on the phone ______.
    A . from time to time B . in time C . on time D . all the time
  • 18. —It's my turn to give a report. I feel so nervous.

    —______. I bet you're the best.

    A . That's not the main thing B . I can't believe it C . Never mind D . I'm not sure
  • 19. 完形填空

        One day, my son Adam asked me,"Are all people the same even if they are different in color?"

        I thought for a minute, and then I said, "I'll explain, 1 you can just wait until we make a quick 2 at the supermarket. I have something interesting to show you."

        At the supermarket, we 3 some apples——red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, "It's time to 4 your question." I put one apple of each kind on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a 5look on his face.

        "People are like apples. They come in all 6colors, shapes and sizes. On the 7, some of the apples may not even look as the others." As I was talking, Adam was 8 each one carefully.

        Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮) them, placing them back on the 9but in a different place. "Okay, Adam, tell me which is which." 

        He said, "I 10 tell. They all look the same now."

        "Take a bite of 11 . See if that helps you  12 which one is which."

        He took big bites, and then a big smile came across his face.  "People are  13  like apples. They are all different, but once you  14  the outside, they're pretty much the same on the inside."

        He totally 15 it. I didn't need to say or do anything else.

    A . although B . so C . because D . if
    A . stop B . start C . turn D . stay
    A . bought B . tasted C . saw D . collected
    A . allow B . ask C . answer D . improve
    A . worried B . excited C . pleased D . curious
    A . ordinary B . normal C . different D . regular
    A . outside B . whole C . table D . inside
    A . watching B . holding C . drawing D . biting
    A . fridge B . table C . hand D . front
    A . mustn't B . can't C . shouldn't D . needn't
    A . each one B . each other C . the other D . one another
    A . develop B . report C . decide D . believe
    A . just B . always C . never D . hardly
    A . put away B . get down C . hand out D . take off
    A . made B . took C . got D . did
  • 20. 阅读理解


        For me it would clearly be Leonardo da Vinci. I'd love to meet him. He was not just an artist. He seems to know a number of things that only came about hundreds of years later, like flying machines and so on. I'd like to tell him he really did see the future.

    Naomi, Chicago

        I'd choose Cleopatra — the last king of ancient Egypt. It was said that she

    was very beautiful and she developed some really useful political alliances

    (政治联盟). Not many women were so clever and powerful in ancient times.

     I'd like to have seen how she did it.

    Lucinda, Nairobi

        I'm Latin American, so I would name Simon Bolivar as the person I would like to meet. He was a brave leader and helped develop independence(独立) for several countries in Latin America in the nineteenth century.

    Patricia, Caracas

        I studied philpsophy(哲学), so I would like to speak face-to-face with the

        Great Chinese philosopher Confucious. I'd like to discuss with him about his political philosophy and his idea about family values. Even though he lived over two thousand years ago, some of his opinions are still meaningful.

    Li Yun, Shanghai

    1. (1) Whose ideas about inventions have come true?
      A . Leonardo de Vinci's B . Cleopatra's C . Simon Bolivar's D . Confucius's
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE from the passage?
      A . Leonardo de Vinci invented a flying machine hundreds of years ago. B . Lucinda would like to have met Cleopatra because she was pretty. C . Simon Bolivar improved independence of women. D . Li Yun would like to talk with Confucious about his family values.
    3. (3) In which part of a magazine can we read the passage?
      A . Art B . Movie C . History D . Science
  • 21. 阅读理解

        A boy called Mario had many friends, and he was proud of it. One day, his grandpa said to him, "Mario, I know you don't have as many friends as you think. Many of them are not true to you."

        Mario thought maybe his grandpa was right. However, he wasn't sure how he could test if his schoolmates were real friends, so he asked his grandpa. The old man answered, "I have just exactly what you need. It's in my room. Wait a minute." The old man left, soon returned as if carrying something in his hand, but Mario could see nothing there.

        "Take it. It's a very special chair. Because it's invisible, it will be hard for you to sit on it. However, if you can sit on it, you can use the chair's magic power to tell who your real friends are."

        Mario took the strange invisible chair to school. He asked everyone to form a circle around him and he put himself in the middle, with his chair.

        Nobody moves. "Wait and see something amazing," said Mario. Then he tried to sit on the chair. Having difficulty seeing it, he missed and fell to the ground. Everyone had a pretty good laugh. Mario didn't give up. He kept trying to sit on the magic chair again and again. Finally, he did it. To his surprise, this time he felt himself in mid-air.

        Looking around, Mario saw George, Lucas and Diana holding him up, so he wouldn't fall. But some schoolmates who he had thought as friends did nothing but made fun of him. Mario was quite thankful to his grandpa for helping him test who his true friends were.

    1. (1) Mario's grandpa gave him a special chair to _______.
      A . sit on in the school B . be his birthday present C . test who his true friends are D . play games with his friends at school
    2. (2) What does the underlined word " invisible" mean in Chinese in the passage?
      A . 感激的 B . 有帮助的 C . 神奇的 D . 看不见的
    3. (3) Mario succeeded in sitting on his chair finally because ________.
      A . his friends taught him B . he had tried many times C . his friends held him D . the chair had magic power
    4. (4) Which would be the best title for this story?
      A . A Magic Chair B . A Kind Grandpa C . Mario's True Friends D . How to Test Friends
  • 22. 阅读理解

        Libraries give kids a quiet and safe place to read and learn. For over 100 years, libraries have played an important role in Americans education. But how are these book-filled buildings changing with the times? You may be surprised to find out.

        Benjamin Franklin famously set up America's first lending library in 1731. But the public library system got its biggest development in the American history in the late 1800s. Businessman Andrew Camegie donated(捐赠) millions of dollars to help build free public libraries across the country.

        Camegie believed that libraries could offer the chances to Americans, young and old. He knew that the more libraries there were, the more people would have chances to read and use books, speeches and news.

        If you can easily find a public library, you'll get more chances. After all, the United States has nine thousand two hundred and twenty-five public libraries. Today, libraries keep growing. Three quarters of the libraries have the free Internet. It offers much more information and chances to ask for jobs online. Libraries are also teaching kids about the fun of reading. Today's libraries are always looking for creative programs to bring people into and the library.

        Benjamin Franklin once said, "The doors of wisdom are never closed." As long as the doors of public libraries are open, what he said is most certainly correct!

    1. (1) How many public libraries have free Internet now?
      A . 2767 B . 6918 C . 9225 D . 1679
    2. (2) The right order of the following statements is ________.

      ① The public library system in America developed fast.

      ② The first lending library was set up.

      ③ Libraries provide information and chances to ask for job online.

      ④ Libraries try to bring people into the library by using creative programs.

      A . ②①③④ B . ②③④① C . ③④①② D . ①②③④
    3. (3) "it" in paragraph 4 means ________.
      A . the libraries B . chances C . the Internet D . The United States
    4. (4) The main idea of the passage is about______.
      A . the libraries in the world B . libraries and chances C . libraries teaching kids to read and learn D . the development of Americans libraries
  • 23. 阅读理解

        ①When it comes to Chinese students thinking about studying in foreign countries, many of them usually believe that life will be easy and enjoyable. Unluckily, it seems that students with those beliefs will be disappointed very soon after landing at the airport.

        ②So, what are the problems you may have, and how can you deal with them?

        ③Teaching and learning styles in America are very different from those in China, in need of more critical thinking(批判性思维)and teamwork. In most American classrooms, they do activities in a study group in which every person has their own responsibility(责任).

        ④So don't worry about your language or any grammar mistakes. Just watch what other students do, and don't be afraid to ask any questions. The discussions, or sometimes even arguments, that your group members and you hold, are probably to be the beginning of a friendship.

        ⑤Besides schoolwork, another important thing faced by overseas students is homesickness or loneliness. You may miss your parents cooking, your pets, or even your old bed. Being away from home can create bad feelings, especially when faced with the problems of getting used to a new environment.

        ⑥What I strongly suggest is to try hard to deal with these feelings. Be open to new friend-ships. Be active in school activities, and allow yourself to enjoy life at school, even if you miss home a lot. Keep a diary to check your progress. Write down three new things that you're thankful for every evening, as well as three things you're looking forward to every morning.

        ⑦Studying aboard is never simple. In fact, there will be many difficulties every day. But I'm sure you will overcome your difficulties and make your time overseas a success.

    1. (1) The article is written for ______.
      A . teachers B . parents C . students D . travelers
    2. (2) Students in America finish their schoolwork by _______.
      A . thinking critically alone B . working in a group C . watching what others do D . arguing with other students
    3. (3) Which is NOT the suggestion to deal with homesickness according to the article?
      A . Keep a diary. B . Make new friends. C . Take part in school activities. D . Write a letter to parents daily.
    4. (4) How is the article organized?
      A . ①∥②③∥④⑤∥⑥⑦ B . ①②∥③④∥⑤⑥∥⑦ C . ①∥②③④∥⑤∥⑥⑦ D . ①②∥③④⑤∥⑥∥⑦
  • 24. 请用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺、正确。每词仅用一次

    against      nature       billion        feed       careful

    1. (1) For every person, it is so to forget English words that we should keep practising and using them more often.
    2. (2) A few days ago, the great Chinese actor Chow Yun Fat said that he would give as much as 5.6 dollars to help the poor.
    3. (3) According to a recent research, more and more people in the US show that they are the Trump government.
    4. (4) Her teachers are worried that she is always at her schoolwork in the class than the other students.
    5. (5) When we came over to my grandparents' farm, they their farm amimals.
  • 25. 根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空不限填一词)。

        The Ningbo Eye is also called the Ferrie Wheel. It is a (游客) attaction in Fenghua (山) HarborLand Park, Ningbo. It is also one of (著名的) symbols of Ningbo.

        On National Day, I visited the Ningbo Eye with my friend. When we (到达) the Ningbo Eye, we couldn't wait to get into it. But it was much too (拥挤的), with a very long wait line, and we were the (二十)in the line, so (节省) time, she stayed in the line (当……时) I went to buy the tickets.

        The capsule(密封舱) doesn't completely stop when people get on, so you have to get into it (快速地). Then the door of the capsule closes. The view was wonderful. But the time was too short, it only took about ten minutes for the capsule to go around. In a word, it is an amazing (经历).

  • 26. 你校开展的English Corner本期话题是谈论自己喜爱的戏剧,电影,或书籍。请你以"My Favorite __"为题,把它介绍给你的同学及外籍教师Betreace。

    内容包括:Why do you like it, compared to other moves/ plays /books…?

    What is it about?

    What do you think of it?


